
Discussion in 'Car Stereo Amplifiers' started by smorgan21, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. smorgan21

    smorgan21 Full Member

    I have my amp and everything ready to go, I just need to find a hole in the fire wall or something to run the power wire through... but thats the thing, I cant find one? I have a 1999 Dodge Avenger, can anyone give me an idea?
  2. 94f150

    94f150 Full Member

    find a spot, drill a hole, use a grommet and run your wire through it. simple. Thats what i always do. make sure it won't be close to any moving objects and such.
  3. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    also make sure you dont go thru anything on the fire wall!! and that your not too close to the manifolds or anything else hot. or your a/c lines or.....you get the point.
  4. smorgan21

    smorgan21 Full Member

    yeah i got it through there, god it sounds pretty good
  5. 94f150

    94f150 Full Member

    what are you running?
  6. smorgan21

    smorgan21 Full Member

    2 12" MTX Terminator, and just a 600 W amp right now
  7. deadz67

    deadz67 Full Member

    just wondering, what guage wire did you use & where did you run it through to the back?
    i am going to try to run 4 gauge to my amp this wknd....
  8. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    all cars are diff deadz. maybe your car has a grommet in the drivers side thats not used.

    in my truck i had one that wasnt being used. worked out fine. one day im gonna re re wire my truck with 0awg wire. and re re do all my speaker wire with nice thicker wire too. i said re twice on purpose. actually i should have said re do a re do of my first wiring job.

    would really like one whole length with no splices. im getting off topic here.

    just follow your original path to your amp. remove a seat or 2 to snake the wire thru if you have to.
  9. deadz67

    deadz67 Full Member

    ok ,so you think i should run it under the console & along the back seat hump then right? gotcha:)