what port size is this? its for a kicker solo x 12 going in a 6 cu ft box. i want to finally make a good box for this thing so im asking for some help for the port measurements.
i think it could be a different combo of sizes. what ever equals 60 in squared. im guessing here, im sure one of our box gurus will chime in soon.
it says 60 inches squared worth of area and 6" port length. 60 inches squared is 3600 sq inches. a 10 inch round port at 6 inches long is only 471 square inches. it would take 7 10 inch ports and 1 5 inch port. does this sound like too much? heres the link to the specs if what im saying sounds crazy http://www.kicker.com/sites/default/files/2007 SoloX 10-12 Sub g01 Web.pdf its on the third page under vented SUV box s12x... thanks anyone that can help me with the kicker solo x port mystery.
so three 5 inch round ports would be 58.875 sq inches and five 4 inch ports would be 62.8. im going for 60 sq inches trying to achieve a "street bass" sound. which one do you think i should go with?