Amp for my setup?

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Amplifiers' started by slapperz, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. slapperz

    slapperz Full Member

    Well i have these subs and as of now the bass doesnt kill through my chest, however, I am only giving them a third of their RMS. I want to give them 80-90% RMS.
    So i was wondering what amp would be best because as you can see it has different kinds of wiring options and i want to optimize it and i get confused with the Ohm/Ch etc. etc.

    Here they are read the impedance note so you get what i meant by the statement above. What amp would you all recommend so i could go order it?
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    if you have those subs and box,then an amp that 2 ohm mono stable is what you want.

    around 500 to 600 watts rms.
  3. slapperz

    slapperz Full Member

    But since each is rated at 600 rms would i go for a 2 ohm stable amp at around 1000wRMS for both? Or would the impedance change since its 2 subs and im looking at a different scenerio?
  4. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    They aren't each rated for 600 rms. Thats the totalled rating of the two.
  5. slapperz

    slapperz Full Member

    If you go to Features&Specs it says RMS 600 total RMS for everything in the enclosure 1200. Then 1200 peak and 2400 total peak.
    Is there something Im missing?
  6. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Yeah. They won't handle that :p. But in the description it says the box contains 2 subs that handle 600W max each which mean 300W rms a piece for a total of 600W rms.
  7. slapperz

    slapperz Full Member

    Oh you are right. Thats strange though the description does say 600 max but the specs say 600 RMS and 1200 max... Stupid Company contradicts itself leaving me confused
  8. slapperz

    slapperz Full Member

    Heres a question i have. Im getting a 900watt RMS amp at 2 ohm. And my subs are 600rms total. I heard that having an amp rated above the RMS will only blew the subs if i crank everything up. Is this true or not?

    Here is the exact quote i saw on another forum

    "There is no problem with having more power than necessary on tap. The way I see it, if you turn up the volume high enough to fry the sub, then your listening habits require more output than the sub in its current install is capable of, the amp is a non-issue. If your sub IS capable of as much output as you need, then it's best to give it an amp which is able to provide it with as much power as it requires to do it's job. If the amp is capable of even more that's fine, it just means the amp will run cooler and cleaner at the level you'll be using it at. Using a smaller amp will do nothing but cut off the sub's balls. The only downsides to using a larger amp vs a smaller amp are that the larger amp costs more and takes up more space in your trunk.

    "If I had the money and the space I would use 2kw amps on every one of my speakers, tweeters included, just to prove a point to all the people out there who think using a larger amp than necessary is somehow a bad thing. And never having to worry about clipping kicks ass..."
  9. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    this amp should do fine as long as you set the gain down a little...
  10. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    having a lil more power is called headroom. just dont go too crazy with it.
  11. slapperz

    slapperz Full Member

    Well the guy who was selling the 900 watt amp seems to not know how to reply...

    So my friend said he'd sell me his Kicker 600.1 for $75. Is it worth it and what are the specs on it because i have searched and nothing comes up? I wanna see if it can push 600 rms at 2ohms
  12. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

  13. TheeyaN

    TheeyaN Full Member

    Always use a amp that has more power than the subs are rated,especially if u use class D monoblocks

    Subs can always take more power than rated.. For example Alpine Type R are rated at 500 rms,and they can hande 850rms with ease,they can even take 1000 rms with no problem!

    Another exampe.. MB Quart RWE 352.. Rated at 700 rms,but can take 1200 rms with no problem. And the story goes on!

    My advice always go for a stronger rated amp,but just to be in the clear.. You dont use a 1000 rms amp for some low class 200 rms subs..

    If those two subs are rated at 600 rms u can feed them with 900 rms FOR SURE! That extra juice wont kill them,what could kill them is unprofessional setting!

    Inacurate gain settings,and even though u set gains corectly u boost your EQ,turn loud on and crapy funcions like that,so u change the signal and clipping will ocure.
  14. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    ^^^well said^^^
  15. TheeyaN

    TheeyaN Full Member

    Its a common mistake and a mith. In extremly rare ocasions does the power kill the speakers. Its always the cliping.

    The problem occurs when people arent satisfied with what they bought,so they push it over the limits,and ofcourse the speaker dies.

    When setting gains u should run EQ flat,and lets say u have a pioneer,u set the gains on 58/62. That means that 58 is the maximum zone on FLAT eq,but its also not suggested to run at this level all the time becouse there is the risk.

    When u set that if u feel that your bass is to strong,u dont boost up the higher notes treble and such,u decrease the bass.

    If u still go with the treble boosting (which is not recomended) u cant still turn the volume knob up to 58 for sure,becouse the signal has been changed,and if u do that u will be cliping.

    Also the most important thing is u gotta be on the lookout all the time. Dont be like-i have set my gains corectly so i dont have nothing to worry about.. IF u hear distorsion,turn the volume down,your volume knob is your friend,not your enemy.

    When not satisfied with wath u got,sell it and buy something better,dont boost those crapy options like loud,bass bost,sla and i dont know what becouse doing that your sound will get louder,but its going to have fatal results on your equipment.