Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Honest Bob, Nov 12, 2002.

  1. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Hey, I just finished installing the JBL 1200.1 into my new car. I was ready for some mind blowing bass again, but instead got some extremly weak bass. I had to saw my box in half to get it to fit into the trunk of my Nissan. I got it back together with some screws and metal brackets. There is a small gap all aroung it though. I have filled it with liquid nails. I think it will change the tuning somehow but I didnt think it would be much. Also the lights on the amp dim heavily when I try and turn it up. I checked the voltages. 12.70 with nothing on and 12..50 with the system on. Thats with the car off of course. Could it be a bad ground? Or do you think I fucked up the wiring of the subs when I put them back in the box?
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    NEVER Play anything with the Car off, NEVER

    Unless you have set it up for that, with Extra Batts and such.....


    NEVER "saw a box in half"

    you probally have a Leak somewhere which will make the box usless

    Remember the BOX is the MOST important Part of the Sound System.......

    I suggest rebuilding the Box from Scratch, use the Recommend Size, and Make it where it will fit in the car....
  3. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    mike is right on all points.... couldnt have said it better(Or i would have)
  4. musthavemuzk

    musthavemuzk Full Member

    so then i must be nuts for playing my system repeatedly with the key off?
    i have a single batt under hood and about 900 watts right now. all class a/b PPI power. and well with some of my playing and testing and such lately there has been alot of key off time.
    the underhood batt is an acdelco professional platinium. about 2 months old now.
    so am i crazy?

    but back to the issue at hand.

    if you are thinkin tha box will not fit into the trunk after building it outside the trunk then either do 2 smaller boxes or build it in the trunk. or possibly put it in the trunk through the passenger cabin. of course this requires removing the rear seat and hopin there is no extra bracing behind the seat that would be in the way.

    but either build in trunk or two smaller boxes as it looks like you have two subs.

  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    yes you are and I will tell you why

    1> Your Battery is not ment to "run" electionics, it is ment to start the car, once your car is started the Alt should take all of the load from the battery

    2> Running it with the car off, will drain the battery, even if you dont reach the point where the car will not start it is still harder on the battery to have the recharge all the time, unless it is a deep cycle

    3> unless you have amp with regulated power supply you will get less output (what this person is complaining about)

    Do I need to go on?
  6. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Well its at a very low volume and the bass dosent go as deep as it should. It sounds flat. Didnt do that in my old car.
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well it will probally never sound the same

    as differant cars souns differant

    they have differant acoutic properties

    so they "amplifiy" differant freq more than others, where your old car probally "amplified" other freq, and not others....
  8. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Hmm well I just took my subs out and rewired them. SOUNDS 100% BETTER! Its louder then ever before.
  9. musthavemuzk

    musthavemuzk Full Member

    please Michael do go on.

  10. Audio Nut

    Audio Nut Full Member

    wow...its been a LONG time since ive been here...

    but uh yeah...NEVER turn your stereo on with the car off....even when im at a red light sitting there...i turn it almost all the way down for fear i may kill my alt batt

    (ive upgraded to a audiobahn 1200 watter@1 ohm)

    NEVER do that...unless u feel like walkin to work and or like replacing your stuff

  11. musthavemuzk

    musthavemuzk Full Member


    anymore info on why not to run car audio setup with key off?

  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    how much more info do you want

    the points already made should be enough

    There are a Few Secondary Reasons, but the #1 reason is that it is VERY VERY hard on your car and componets, and can leave you walking....
  13. musthavemuzk

    musthavemuzk Full Member

    i am not the person who blindly reads words or just takes things said and say to myself that those words are the law and there can not be any other way.

    that is the reason for my disbelief and questioning the never play system with key off.
    if memory serves me alot of SQ competition setups do alot of testing and competing with key off. granted some have the deep cycle batts but i am not sure deep cycle are in 100% of the cars.

    so if i take the batt out of my car the car will not start.
    what if i jump the car with cables with the batt out? will it continue to run? now what if i turn the lights on?
    what if i remove the guts of the alt will the car start and run just fine?

    so what happens when the alt dies? does the car stop moving right away? no it does not it runs off the batt till there is no more juice there for it to get.

    mayb i am asking for an impossible to get definitive answer on this key off play time.
    i have done it in the past and will continue to do it in the future. whether or not i have a deep cycle batt.

  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Most of these are set up with the specific reason, with more than one battery, or are of low power, or both.....

    But the FACT still remains that the normal Battery in a car is not designed for that type of use,

    and who say IF they do that in the SQ comps they are Correct? I KNOW I am right,

    Correct, your car will not start with out the batt.
    If you get it started in most cars it will continue to run, some cars need the battery to act as a current stabizer or the computer will act up, but this is rare...

    No Matter, the ALT provides the current (power) once the car is running...

    it will start and run fine UNTIL the battery runs out of juice.........

    Right but what does that have to do with this issue?, ask any person n mechanic and they will tell you running a battery (agian non-deep cycle) down is VERY hard on that battery, and the act of Discharging and Recharging is what kills the cells in a Battery.....

    Fine dont come here crying when your car will not start..........