W7 or W6v2?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by caylorray, Nov 15, 2002.

  1. caylorray

    caylorray Full Member

    I'm putting a new system together on paper. My main concern is SQ, but I want the capability to do
    some serious bumping when I get the urge. I've decided on either an Alpine or Eclipse HU, an
    AudioControl FOUR.1 5-band in-dash EQ, the JL XR653-CS 3-way system (6.5 in the door, 4 in the
    kicks, and not sure about tweets yet) powered by the JL 300/2. Now, here is my stumper:

    Do I get one 12W7 powered by a JL 500/1, or two 12W6v2-D4's powered by a JL 1000/1 (would a
    500/1 power them efficiently?)? What would you do? Pros/Cons?
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Very nice equipment selection. I love the XR comps and I may be getting away from your target, but I might suggest the 2 way set, rather than the 3 ways, and compliment it with the 1000.1 and 12W7. This way you will save on the comp set, still have the overall quality, and quite readily power the 12W7. That is just my thought on what I would do. However, if you MUST have the 3 way comp set than I suggest the 12W7 and the 500.1. The 12W7 has more ability to get louder, it should sound better, and you can bump the enclosure size up (I assume sealed as you suggested SQ as the primary goal) to regain the output you will loose to the smaller amp. In doing so you will also drop the QTC of the enclosure, creating a more accurate SQ oriented enclosure. If you would like for me to design the enclosure for you to get the most out of this choice, feel free to ask away. I am here to help and I would be happy to do whatever I can to help. Either way, I suggest the W7... It truely is one impressive woofer.

    As for tweeter location, I would like to see it near the mid, in the kicks. Place it slightly further away from your sitting position in the vehicle. Basicly, what you need to do is try to maintain a single pointsource, creating less "auditory confusion"

    Hope this helps...
  3. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Just heard the W6v2's. They sounded quite nice. Big difference over the W3's, but hard to tell what the Q alignment was. Anyhow, neither do as well as the W7. That would be my choice.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    so 1 12W7 is louder than 2 12w6v2

    i find that very very very hard to believe
  5. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    I think he was referring to the one w7 off of the 1000/1 rather than the w6v2s off of it. Either way, the w6's would

    be louder, but i wouldnt power the w7 with a 500/1. Get the w6's and a 1000/1 :blink:

  6. caylorray

    caylorray Full Member

    Hmmm, the 2-way's and a 12W7 off a 1000/1. That would definitely be easier to install I think. I just
    assumed the 3-way set would provide better SQ than the 2-way. Also I can't see putting 6.5's in the
    kicks, just not enough room. So in that case I'd probably just put the 2-way's in the door. Cost-wise I've
    figured the 2 12W6v2 vs. the 1 12W7, both off the 1000/1 would be pretty close to the same. I've
    heard the 12W7 on a 500/1, and my lord that was loud! But have never heard the 12W6v2's. I've also
    always assumed that two were better than one, which is why I'm considering the 2 12W6v2's. Man,
    if only I could hear these different configurations! :(

    Thanks for the replies, they definitely help!

    By the way, this is all for my 96 Eclipse.
  7. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Considerably louder... Displacement figures. here's the math. We will take useable cone area (Sd) and the distance the woofer travels in one direction (Xmax) and multiply them. The W6V2s will be multiplied by 2 since there are 2. Remember the rolled surround of the W7 gives the 12W7 an actual 13.02 inch cone!!! Here are the calculations, in mms...

    Xmax: 16.5mm
    Sd: 332mm

    so, 16.5 X 502 X 2 = 16,566

    Xmax: 29mm
    SD: 840mm

    so, 29 X 840 = 24,360

    So there you have it. The linear displacement of 1 12W7 is equal to almost 3 12W6V2s...
  8. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Oh, also, the W7 is a referance woofer, hence incredible SQ. While the W6V2s are nothing to scoff at, they woln't even be close.
  9. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    Considerably louder... Displacement figures. here's the math. We will take useable cone area (Sd) and the distance the woofer travels in one direction (Xmax) and multiply them. The W6V2s will be multiplied by 2 since there are 2. Remember the rolled surround of the W7 gives the 12W7 an actual 13.02 inch cone!!! Here are the calculations, in mms...

    Xmax: 16.5mm
    Sd: 332mm

    so, 16.5 X 502 X 2 = 16,566

    Xmax: 29mm
    SD: 840mm

    so, 29 X 840 = 24,360

    So there you have it. The linear displacement of 1 12W7 is equal to almost 3 12W6V2s...[/b][/quote]

    michael got told :D

    lol......just kiddin mike

  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member


    According to the JLAudio Data Sheet for the 12W6v2 the Cone area is 502sq.mm not 332

    and according to the W7 data sheet the piston Area for the 12W7 is 547sq.mm not 840

    Remeber only 1/3 if the Surrond counts towards the Piston area, and the W7 has a MUCH larger surrund than the W6, making its "unique" mounting plate make up the differances in surround without sacricing cone area

    Using JL Published Numbers, which is all I have to go on since they have not bee tested to my knowlege, you get this

    502x16.5x2 = 16566

    547 x 29 = 7163

    So going off of the OFFICAL JL AUDIO specs the dual w6's are louder then the single w7

  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Ahh, you are right (somewhat). I misdocumented the 84.0 Sq inches as 840 sq mm. My bad, however your math is poor, putting the W7 at 15,863 and the (2) W6s at 16,566, or just slightly louder than the W7.

    I don't know how I put 332 in the data of the W6 when the formula has 502 in it, but I did the math right. Where did that 332 come from? The 10 inch maybe? Don't know it was late and I was tired. God it's hell getting old :lol:
  12. SirSteve

    SirSteve Guest

    I have a set of older 12w0 and would like to upgrade. If I go with a newer set, can I just swap them out (it's a sealed box) without sacrificing sound quality or does the box have to be remade for the newer speakers?
  13. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    What size enclosure and what new speakers?

    Do you have TS parameters for the older set?
  14. Justin W

    Justin W Full Member

    LMAO at Seth and Michael!!!

    You guys are gettin old or are posting tired or something!

    First thing... I'd go with the W7 cause it's a W7... sounds great, looks great... plus I'm a one sub guy... rarely is 2 subs really needed in a system... the W6v2 are very nice but they just aren't W7's... IMO.

    Now as far as displacement goes... let me clear some things up for you sleepy SOB's... :ph34r:
    JL actually uses 1/2 the surround for Sd measurements... not that it matters all that much...

    But I'd suggest that you guys convert your figures into the same unit of measurement... I've always liked inches for example. :ph34r:

    For the single 12W7 you get 2.3in of p-p Xmax (1.15x2) and a cone area of 84.0in^2.
    This equals 193.2in^3 of total displacement... (AKA Vd or swept volume).

    Now for the dual 12W6v2's you get 1.3in of p-p Xmax (0.65x2) and a cone area of 77.8in^2.
    Multiply by 2 (for 2 drivers) and this equals 202.3in^3 of total displacement.

    Pretty close... probably inaudible, comes down to power, enclosure, etc. IOW - INSTALL.

    Now for the dude (SirSteve) that wants to upgrade out of the old 12W0's... are you just wanting new W0's? Cause they really haven't changed over the years... same specs... but as Seth said if not W0's then what speakers are you looking into and what size enclosure do you currently have???... oh and do you have plenty of depth for a larger structured sub?

    Good night all-
  15. Justin W

    Justin W Full Member

  16. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well justin I can not stand single sub set-ups. it always seem like there is something missing

    oh wait there is , the second sub :D
  17. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Hey bud, I did correct myself later ;) . I guess I should have used inches as the differance is considerbly less apparent.
  18. Pyromaniac

    Pyromaniac New Member

    ummm the W6 sounds MUCH better than the W7....i don't know what, or how you guys judge SQ by, but the W6v2 is a MUCH better sounding sub. The W7 gets loud, and will kick nice and hard, but if you're looking for better SQ go with the W6v2. THe W7 is nice, but it does not compare with the W6 in sound quality. The W6v2 was built after the W7, and reviews from magazines such as Car Audio & Electronics have stated the W6 is "the best sounding subwoofer that I have ever tested." I have had both, although I have had a 12W6v2 and a 10W7, the 12 sounds much better. But I can tell from my 10W7 that the 12W7 will just be louder and deeper, but it will have a similar sound. I have heard the 12W7 before as well. If you want SPL and a loud, bassy sub, by all means go with the 12W7. But, if you want prestine sound w quality that is very very musical and blends with your other speakers, go with the 12W6. And I believe you said you would go with two 12W6v2s or a single 12W7. GO WITH THE TWO W6's. This is no contest in my mind because two W6s would be louder than the single 12W7 and sound a hell of a lot better. I suggest a ported box if you like clean, low bass as well. The 12W6s also go lower than the 12W7s.

    It's all about preference, but if you want true SQ, then the 12W6v2s win hands down.

    EDIT: Damn, I just realized I'm about 7 years late for this discussion.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  19. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    yes you are.lol