I recently bought 2 ED 7kv.2 4ohm subs that were brand new still in boxes. I have heard great reviews about these subs but when I built a box and hooked them up to my amp I was very disappointed! Have I done something wrong? The box has an internal volume of .57 cubic feet. Sealed box by the way, and made out of 3/4 inch MDF and is air tight. I put 125 watts to each one. Info is hard to find on these since they are discontinued. My Infinity door speakers almost sound as good as they did? I was going to sell them until I saw someone talking about the ED 9kv.2 subs and thought I may get some answers to why they sound like crap, or what I did wrong? This was going in a 97 suburban, is it just to much air space for these little subs? Anzboi sounds like he is well versed on all car audio and I would love to hear his input.
i have 4 9kv.2's in my suv. try porting them. if i had to guess,it's too small of a box for such a large vehicle. my best guess. or go onto the elemental website and ask there. they can be very helpful as well.
Your thread about adding your fourth 9kv.2 is the one that caught my attention. From what I have found on the Elemental website the 7kv.2 has nearly the same specs as your 9kv.2 and you said that you were going to competitions with those 9kv.2. So I am hoping that I have done something completely wrong with the box build. I only spent $75 for the pair but before I bought them I did a little researched and watched some vids and thought that they were a very nice buy for what they were supposed to due. I thought about building a box that was .70 cubic feet to see if they needed more air but from what I heard from them the first time I hooked them up, I can't imagine that such a little increase in air space would allow them to sound much better? I mean these subs sounded really weak, so much so that I almost feel bad reselling them? I have a 10" P2 punch in a ported box in my truck right now that blows these things out of the water. Is elemental a low quality sub?
Really like that box you have those in by the way Pedro. The Elementals have a very nice look to them. Any advice is welcome.
elemental design subs are far from junk. your enclosure must not be right for them. even i piece of crap sub can sound very good if put in a good enclosure. again, elemental subs are good subs especially for the money, customer service and warranty. here are the specs: Box Size Suggestions Outline per sub. Spec 7Kv.2 Subwoofer Sealed ( small ) 0.2cF Sealed ( ideal ) .25cF Sealed ( large ) 0.3cF Vented ( ideal ) 0.5cF Tuned to 30Hz Vented ( DDLoud) 0.5cF Tuned to 35Hz also, check this thread... http://forum.edesignaudio.com/showthread.php/help-13ov-2-7kv-2-68949.html
i would have to guess that one is wired out of phase with the other and they are canceling each other out. have you tried re-wiring them?
The box they are in gives each sub .28 cubic feet which should be good. I am going to remove them and check the wiring again. Thanks for the info guys. My buddy wants them and I think we are going to build a ported box for them and see what they sound like then. I don't need them now because I put L5 in my truck and it sounds awesome.