Hi all, I recently installed a JBL 4 channel amp in my car, and four JBL speakers as well. But when I turn the volume from 0 to 1, the amp noise can be heard. If I turn the volume up more than that, the amp noise level remains the same, but the music gets louder. Here is a schematic of how my audio system is set up, I followed the step by step advice at crutchfield also, so I'm not sure what exactly is causing the noise. Any insight would be greatly appreciated, and if you need pictures of anything, I have the interior of the car taken out so that would be no problem. Thanks!
and are all your grounds to bare metal? I also have the same problem. I have very good grounds but i'm getting a whine. you may want to try to connect a grounding wire from the amplifier chassis or body or the negative terminal of your AMP to the ground of your car. I will be trying this out today.
First I would check that all ground wires are secured to bare metal with a good bolt/nut not just a self tapping screw, like a seat bolt and make sure all the paint is scraped off where the terminal contacts. Good dorund is just as improtant if not more than power wires this includes amps, equalizers, head unit, x-overs etc. Second thing I recommend is don't run signal wires (rca's) along the same path as power cables, if your power cable runs along the right side of car rca's should be ran down the left side.