JL 12W6v2 vs 13W6v2

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by Pyromaniac, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. Pyromaniac

    Pyromaniac New Member

    Hi, I am new to this forum, and hope I can get some good feedback regarding a few questions I have.

    I was having a dillemma between keeping my 10W7 in my car, or swapping it with the 12W6 I had in my old car. I was considering buying a new 12W6 in a High Output box, however I had concerns that it may not be tuned as low. I took out my sub from my current box, and found that it is tuned to 28Hz. This is probably lower than what JL would tune it to. I also found that it is bigger than JL specifies, and can actually hold a 13W6v2. My problem at first was that a HO 12W7 wouldn't fit in my car, but I've tried fitting this sub in my car, and it does. And now, I wouldn't go with another W7 because it just sounds horrible compared to the W6.

    Anyway, the question I have (for those who have been able to listen to both) is what are the differences between the 12W6 and 13W6? I like how the 12 sounds, I love how it blends with songs and the low bass is really loud, yet clean. When playing songs with a bass guitar, it really can keep up with the changes, and just has a very very realistic sound. The only thing I prefer the 10W7 for is its ability to kick. The W6 just doesn't kick, but I can live with that for an exceptionally sounding subwoofer.

    I know the 13 will be louder (which is something I am looking for, since I'm used to that 10W7), especially on those really low notes. But, will I have to sacrifice any sound quality? Will songs with fast changing bass take a noticable hit?

    Any input is welcome, thanks!
  2. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    you wont see much of a difference going up such an insignificant amount of cone area. Roughly how big is the box you have now? A new box is the way you need to go because if its a large enclosure tuned low then thats exactly what its going to do is get devastatingly low. You need a box thats slightly smaller with a tuning of oh i'd say at least 37hz. It would certainly be louder to.
  3. bigcam

    bigcam Full Member

    JL them selves say they made the w13 more for the lower notes not saying the 12s wont play just as low but thats what they told me the last time i talked to them.
  4. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    retards...its about the enclosure EVERY time. How do you think full range drivers can reach down to 40Hz?
  5. Pyromaniac

    Pyromaniac New Member

    So what exactly are you trying to say?
  6. bigcam

    bigcam Full Member

    they didnt say any thing about any sub not being able to play low.

    maybe i need to refrase what im trying to say and what they said to me.

    they mean the subs mehcanicaly made more for the longer excursion it takes to create the lowest HZs and live for a long time doing it. please dont make this an aurgument im really tired of them on all the forums. more then likly you miss understude what i was trying to say because im not the best at spelling.
  7. bigcam

    bigcam Full Member

    i think he's miss understanding what i ment by my post please give us a chance to get it all straite.
  8. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    G3 and azn is on the money here. If you're saying that the 12" w6 doesn't have as much kick as your 10" then that may be because of the enclosure, which in your case my be a little too big. I wouldn't go and buy another sub that isn't much bigger because i don't think you'll hear much of a difference. go with a different box instead.

    A JL rep will tell you what you want to hear so they can get another sale. it's the truth. Try another box before shelling out money on new subs..
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2009
  9. bigcam

    bigcam Full Member

    X2 i agree

    the rep knew i wasent gona buy any thing i talked to tech suport any ways. why he told me that was because i asked whats the differnce between there w12 and w13 and like i said he told me the 13 was just made better qaulity since its there newer sub and the 12s are still based on there older subs. like any and all companys they all try to make a better and better sub ech year. kinda like comparing there first sub ever made to there 2008 subs. you know what i mean?
  10. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    i get ya. it's all marketing.
  11. bigcam

    bigcam Full Member

    ok cool atlest this didnt end up in a big argument like it does on most forums:lol:
  12. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    nah, everybody is cool here. that won't happen to you on this forum.
  13. bigcam

    bigcam Full Member

    cool i hope not its been a really rocky ride trying to find a good car audio forum i tell ya lol
  14. Pyromaniac

    Pyromaniac New Member

    Yeah it might be the enclosure, but I'm pretty sure that the W7 is meant to kick a lot. I don't mind sacrificing some kick though, because what I really like is clean, loud low bass. The 10 is decent, but the W6 just has a great sound to it and has great SQ. I like the frequency that my 12W6v2 is tuned to, and love how it sounds in that box, but would just like it to be a little bit louder on some of the higher notes. So, according to your theory, if instead of getting a smaller box, I put in the 13W6v2, I might actually get more kick and louder low bass right? A lot of people don't think there's a big difference between 12" and 13.5" but that's almost the difference between a 10" and a 12" and there's a big difference in sound there. I think someone told me the 13.5 gets 65% louder than the single 12, but I don't know how accurate that is. I won't really be wasting much money because I'll be selling my 12" woofer by itself, and selling my 10W7 High Output system.
  15. bigcam

    bigcam Full Member

    heres what i think try it and see what happens. you mite gain alot you mite gain very little but at lest you will know the differnce. also make sure to let us know how it comes out so the next person will know to.
  16. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    10W6 = 51.4^2 in

    12W6 = 77.8^2 in

    13W6 = 100.4^2 in
  17. bigcam

    bigcam Full Member

    so the differnce between 10s and 12s is 26.4^2in

    and 12s to 13s is 22.6^2in

    if i did my math right:confused: