bear with me.. iam an idiot lol

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by Eleu, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    so still new to the whole box fabrication deal... so if a driver calls for two 4" port and making a dual box. that would be 4 4" ports. now to change that to a slot port do I add all of that area together eg.(Pi x r(squared) by 4)

    also have a minimum port size formula. this look correct?


    dv=required diam of port
    Fb=tuning freq
    vd=X-Max in meters * sd

    and for port length
    Lv=[1.463x10^7*R^2 / Fb^2*vb]-1.463R
    Lv=port length
    Fb=tunning freq
    vb=volume in inches

    for multiple ports devide enclosure volume by the number of ports. then use that as vb.

    for a square port
    R= sqrt of a/Pi
    where a is the area of square port. is this the formula you would use for a slotted port? or is a slotted port different? I know it would be a rectangle rather than square but would this give the same area? rather than 8x8 square port would a 16x4 be the same?

    these formulas look good?
    (ranger, azn?)
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2009
  2. 2k Z71

    2k Z71 Full Member

    whoops...didn't see the post date
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009
  3. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    oh i waqs just wondering, those are the Formulas i use from the cookbook, just wondering if anyone else used different formulas, any input at any time is fine
  4. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    forumals are long as port area and length are the doesn't matter what the shape is really. Unless its a really long skinny port.