Kind of getting a little dissappointed here... Bought a pair of mbquart RWE304 (12" 4ohm DVC 500wRMS) subs this fall. a few days later i had a little rattle sound coming from one sub, no biggie they said they would send in for a warranty replacement (which is total BS because it took till this week for me to get the replacement, thank god the old one still worked, just had an annoying little rattle). Anyways, got the replacement sub, popped it in never even looking at it (looked the same, whatever, i wasnt in much mood to dink around) and here it is 2 days later and i think i just killed that one! Got a real bad rattle/vibration sound out of this one now (almost like the dust cap in the center of the cone is loose and vibrating around). So i got ****ed off and yarded it out of the box, checked it over, nothing loose in the box or anything else that could be causing it... Looked at the sub and noticed its a different part number DWF304 and although the specs are not on the mbquart website i see the DWE304 is only rated at 350wRMS compared to the 500wRMS of my rwe304s (and because of that i am running 500wRMS to each sub). So i think i nuked this one good... Damn what a pain in the azz... not to mention when my amp went up in a cloud of smoke while i was driving, that was fun...
no burning smell. definately not the box (dual sealed box), pulled the sub out of the box and it rattles while sitting ontop of it. I dont THINK that i could have popped it from too much power, though the amp is rated for 500wRMS, the amp is not cranked to the max and i wasnt pounding it very hard at the time, but the song that was on at the time had some pretty low chit in it!
Heres a quick cheap clip of what its doing. just tapping the cone produces the same rattle, but its 10x louder when its hooked up!
it's the sub... that really sucks. don't know what to say to you. contact mb quart again and complain.
definately... will be dropping this off in the morning where i bought it! i just cant believe this, 2 subs crap out while the other one in the same box and powered by the same amp has been pounding awesome from day 1... i would really like to drop these mb's for something else but i am very limited in my selection here locally and logistically its not very cost effective for me to order online (shipping is brutal) The shop where i bought them has gotten in all kinds of Hertz brand equipment, i havent heard much about the brand or anything (doesnt seem all that common) so i was leary of buying their equipment. I am currently running one of the hertz amps (the one that went up in smoke on me, but the replacement has been awesome though) and was thinking about switching to the hertz subs to give them a try. Im very limited on selection so its either keep trying with these MBquart's and hope i find another good one or try to get the shop to take them back and swap them for the hertz subs or pioneer (yuck!)