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Hey everyone, another new guy here. 56k beware

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by 2k Z71, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. 2k Z71

    2k Z71 Full Member

    Hey everyone, just introducing myself to everyone here. I'm Nate, living out in Northern California. I've been installing stereo's for the past 5 years but just recently started building boxes. At the shop i used to work at we had one guy who would build all the boxes, then myself and another guy would do all the installs (small 3 person shop).

    Anyways, here's some pictures of some of the stuff i've done recently....

    Don't mind the car's paint...or lack there of it...
    2 Rockford 12" subwoofers i've had laying around for a few years, there's a diamond d3 600.1 hooked up to the subs, nothing special. Also has a false floor but still has access to the spare tire.

    2 Diamond Audio d312d4 woofers hooked up to 2 rockford fosgate 1000.1 db amplifiers (the old school ones) behind the back seat. Also has a fosgate 4 channel behind the back seat for the 6.5" diamond audio components in the front and 5.25" in the rear. Hooked up to a Pioneer AVH-P6500DVD in the dash.

    And another one one of my buddies used for a painting project at school

    Should have some pictures of my wife's car once it stops raining outside...

    I look forward to learning a lot from everyone on here...
  2. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Welcome to the club. I like the first 3 pics, simple and clean. Good install
  3. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    sweet install's . welcome to the site.
  4. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    nice installs. Welcome to CAT!
  5. 2k Z71

    2k Z71 Full Member

    Yeah the civic (first set of pictures) is kind of a dual purpose car for me. I play hockey as well as do stereo stuff on the side so i wanted something i could be noticed with but also have enough room in the trunk for my gear without anything (like amps, etc) sticking out that my bag could get caught on.

    Well here are the pictures of my wife's car, stopped raining just long enough to take a couple pictures. I'm sure you can probably see some of the rain drops in the pictures. She wanted something a little more "flashy" than my taste. This whole system was completed with parts i've had laying around for the past 4+ years which is why the amps are not exactly....top notch to say the least. But i also didn't spend any cash for anything in the system which is nice.
  6. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    Nice clean installs. Welcome aboard!
  7. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    again. nice installs.
  8. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    on the 4th pic, what did you use to emboss letters?
  9. 2k Z71

    2k Z71 Full Member

    thanks for the welcome from everyone

    1/4" or 1/8" foam (don't rember which). usually comes in a 3ftx1.5ft sheet, can be found at thrift/arts/crafts shops...i know it's probably not the correct thing to use but it's all i have here
  10. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    foam? I thought they used kinda like a rubbery kinda gasket foam thingies. I have no idea, that's why i was askin. I gotta try that for my next box...
  11. 2k Z71

    2k Z71 Full Member

    yeah it actually worked really really well. i don't know what's it's called exactly...not quite foam.....POSTERBOARD sorry i just thought of what it was called. it's like what....50 cents a sheet. worked really really well. i kinda had to cut around the letters with a box cutter to make them more defined but it wasn't that hard.
  12. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Welcome !!
  13. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    YEAH!!! Those little VR3's kick @ss!!!! i have two that ive modded up to 500Watts RMS LOL they kick! anyway welcome to the boards, Good to have another on the CAT team lol.