FS / FT .::. Incriminator Audio / IA Death Penalty 18"s

Discussion in 'Car Audio Classifieds' started by RetroAudioInc, Feb 7, 2009.

  1. RetroAudioInc

    RetroAudioInc New Member

    1. Product:
    I have 2 Incriminator Audio / IA Death Penalty 18"s for sale or trade.

    2. Specs:
    18" Dual 1ohm
    More info on the subs here.

    3. Description/Condition:

    Subs they are in GREAT shape.

    4. Price: :
    I am asking $450 each + shipping or trade I am looking for 2 FI BTL Fully loaded in 12"

    5. Pictures:




  2. RetroAudioInc

    RetroAudioInc New Member

    bump to the top..
  3. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    wow this looks familiar. did you post this elsewhere?