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January 27, 2009 approx. 6:03PM

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by aznboi3644, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Protege dx. Surprised me...I got that car up to 120mpg on the free way one night...i looked in the manual and the engine was 104hp lol. Not bad IMO. That car was light as hell.

    Update on my truck....I looked more carefully today at the rear end and the frame is bent...bent so much the top leaf on the leaf springs are bent in and upward arch...Dora still beasts through though.

    Today my friend called me saying he was stuck in the snow and ice...well somehow he got parked faced down hill in a Pontiac Grand Am. My friend with an exploder sport tried to pull him out and got stuck in the process but we pushed him out...the house we were at the dad came and tried to use his Silverado 4x4 and couldn't pull it out...almost got stuck but four of use jumped on the back bumper for more weight.

    So I said sh!t Dora will beast that right now...went home and got Dora along with some more tow straps. Beasted the car up that hill with a crippled a$$
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    shes a trooper. GO dora!!!
  3. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    Dam! Dora is badazz!
  4. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Damn!!! Dora is a badazz. I'm surprised!
  5. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    Ya thats a bummer, they will total her... you can always buy her back from the insurance company though! especially if she is still trucking like that LOL
  6. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Bought a 1995 2-door Camry LE Monday night...163,900 miles. Runs like butter. The body is in excellent shape...driver mirror has some paint missing and the rear bumper has some clear coat chippage but thats normal. I love it.

    I'll get pics up of it later.

    -components up front (tweeter in the sail panel, mids in the kick panel)
    -check for clearance on doors for 8" midbasses.
    -custom rear deck like Rangers sister...but not with 6x9s.
    -As for the sub stage its up in the air

    Single 10", two 8's, or IB setup with 3/4 10s or two 12's.
  7. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    that's a nice car and it's very reliable. post some pics!!!
  8. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    Congrats on the purchase Azn.
  9. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    So fuked up thing happened today...well yesterday technically cuz its 2:20 in the AM here.

    Well the story began Wednesday when I got a call from the Evansville Auction...The insurance company is gonna come tow my truck away..well I talked to the lady and told them to come Friday because I need to get my sh!t out of the truck.

    My dad txts me after I get out of class around 1PM Thursday afternoon telling me my truck is gone and they already took it...I was ready to go out for blood...I was heated. I called them back and said what the hell is going on with my truck...the lady said it was picked up today...I told her hell no it is supposed to be picked up Friday. The lady tried to get smart with me but I put her in her place and she said she'd talk to the manager and call me back.

    I get a call back 10 minutes later and she said that the tow truck is almost to Indianapolis...thats 3.5 hours from where I live. I tell the b!tch hell no you need to bring my truck back cuz I have about 800 dollars of stuff in there. Then she had the nerve to tell me that they would box it up and mail it to me...I said hell no you better bring my truck back to my house cuz you aren't taking a damn thing out.

    End of the story...I bet the tow truck driver was ****EDD OFF...haha he had to turn around and bring it all the way back...just finished up taking everything out.

    The only thing that is left in there of mine is a bunch of trash...the 4.3 cu ft ported enclosure for the single 15 that Ranger designed...a blown front left speaker and the two kenwood 6x8s...damnit I lost my 7/32 socket...eh its cool. I have no use for them...I took the good front right 6x8 though...maybe I'll make a HT center channel with it.

    Dash looks like the truck was broken into and sh!t just ripped out of the dash...thats how it looked after the wreck though...I don't give a rats ass about it...I'm all about me and my sh!t
  10. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    damn, that's fvck'd up! at least they brought the truck back and you got your sh!t out of it.

    where are the pics of your camry?
  11. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    damn sockets.
  12. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    Shoulda got a Izuzu VT, i had a honda passport and swapped out the engine for that same 3.5L V6 thats in the VT, it came in a special edition rodeo (same car as the passport) with a little small tweeks (intake, headers side port short exhaust and some injection tuning) got that sucker to smoke some serious tires. ported out and done up right you can get that block to atleast 400 BHP i bet.
  13. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    well at least you got your stuff out.
  14. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    azn, no pics of the new ride yet???
  15. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    lol been lazy to go outside and take pics...its been 30*F with a lot of wind the past week...and guess what my SPRING BREAK starts this friday...WTF

    My college is retarded...its awesome to have my spring fuking break when its 30* outside without the wind chill.
  16. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    duh thats why all the collage kids go to florida!:lol: