This searching is giving me a headache! I look and calulate and come up with what i think i want and bam something shoots it down. SO,would someone PLEASE give me a sub solution for following setup: want single sub 8"-12" pushing it with a Kicker 08ZX700.5 amp....rms rating 210w sub ch at 4ohm A good decent spkr and box bought seperatly is OK budget $100-$150 sorry for over and over questions but there is jus to much to learn in this area. Thanks I run dual those, with a similar kind as spair, they hold up to 350 RMS and hit pretty da/\/\n well
yes....but not that into doing it .....lazy is a word that comes to mind. off the shelf to my car ( without much effort) is what i want ....
what is the difference in a home/hand made box made with the same materials (?) same deminsions, as a sto bought one? do U use thicker sides ? remember i ain't looking for perfection here.....just close to it.....:lol: what does a "downfire" box do for U ? Thanks
no sub is the same...there is no universal enclosure. If don't want to build one than I'd suggest contacting some builders. RCBenclosures builds and ships enclosures for a good well as Fisher Customs. With buying a prefab crap enclosure you have no idea how it is going to sound...90% of the time it sound like crap. Really peaky and weak lows...very narrow response bandwith in some cases. I had people thinking I had two 12's or two 15s with 1000 watts when I had an old 12 inch sub and 300 watts. The enclosure is 90% of the sound...put a good sub in a poor enclosure and expect poor performance. Each sub has set parameters and the enclosure must be designed and built to suit to driver and surroundings. Downfiring is more of to protect a driver from objects
but does one find these parameters and such? do U build a box, listen to it, and tune it or then build another box ?
once you have the sub and amp combo ready... you let us all here know... and then someone will design a box for your sub or subs according to how much room you have by giving the max measurements you have to use.. width, height and what not... but you gotta tell us what you want... loud, SQ or something along those lines and then GEN or AZN or sometimes Ranger will come in with a design for you.
Please no Master here...sometimes the thiele small parameters are on the manufactures website or in the driver manual. Well it takes experience of designing, building, and testing enclosures...after a lil while you know what works well with what and what doesn't.
U guys know this stuff sounds like. THANKS for all the info. Still looking for a good deal on a sub, maybe after Christmas sales. Hopefully, by then i'll have the amp in and a wire for my sub so maybe I can test some out in vehicle and get an idea what i want. Maybe hit a car show somewhere close by...... Master statement is a memory from the old tv series "Kunfu". in his flash backs to the "monkastry" he would often make the comment, "But Master, How blab, blab, blab. " tell my age now.........
OK.....picked up a small used downfire box from local shop for $10. it's 13.25"x 12"x 6.5" = .58ish (?) cu' i went with this sub.....Elemental Designs SQ10 RMS Power handling: 250 Watts I can put 210 to it DC Resistance (Re) 3.5 ohm Resonant Frequency (Fs) 25.5 Hz Electrical "Q" (Qes) .32 Mechanical "Q" (Qms) 2.7 Total "Q" (Qts) .29 Equivalent Volume (Vas) 46.7 L One Way Linear (Xmax) 9.3 mm Cone Area (Sd) 350 cm2 Sensitivity (Spl) 86.7db single 2 or 4 Ohm Mounting Dimensions: Depth; 3"” Sealed box volume required: .3 - .5 cubic feet Ported box volume required: .5 - .8 cubic feet Hole; 10” will i be ok for some tight SQ base with little out of spec box or should i add some ? Thanks
that enclosure is WAYYY too big for that sub...the sub is OK at best. Mechanical handling sucks big time. thermal power handling 300 watts is easy. I would glue some blocks of wood into the enclosure to bring down the size to 0.3 cubic feet. With an enclosure that size you will bottom out the driver with 100 watts or less.