Different voice coil question

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by Eleu, Dec 8, 2008.

  1. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    Can i Run a DVC and SVC off the same 2 ch amp?
  2. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    Only if the final load was the same. Meaning your dvc sub would need to be dual 2 ohm if your svc was 4 ohm. But I'm also pretty sure that having 2 voicecoils as opposed to 1 affects some parameters of the speaker. it may change the sound somewhat
  3. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    The DVC is a 4 ohm, i think the SVC's are dual boxed with a 4 ohm (so they say, so iam assuming 4 ohms each right?
  4. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    wait. how many speakers are you asking about?
  5. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    two technically, but what about running the box bridged in a stereo setup, with the DVC 4 ohm wired parallel in the other steroe, Wouldnt that make the two SVC 2 ohm and the DVC 2 ohm as well?
  6. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    So you have a box with 2 subs and another box with one sub???? Are they the smae brand and sizes??
  7. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    Eh its not a big deal, i was just thinking about experamenting and trying to figure out how to properly calculate Resistances, but ya i have dual MA 12 SVC subs in a quad ported boc and a Single MA120XE Comp DVC Slightly different subs, but same brand.
  8. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    it can work but one sub would get more power than the other two,and would probably not sound good.