So, I was separating some burgers and ended up stabbing myself in the hand and finger. hurt pretty bad and once I got the bleeding slowed down I gave my parents a call (former paramedics) (on a side note, my dad was actually asked to teach classes) anyway, call them and ask, how deep is a cut before I get stitches... and my dad goes, well, were you able to get the bleeding stopped or slowed down. Told him that I was and then he asked me how much muscle did I get into, I say well it's deep but not a long way in there, it was gushing but it stopped. Then my dad goes... okay then... your good just clean it out really good so you don't get an infection... good night *click* My dad though knowing me knows that I feel that stitches are worthless and just end up leaving a scar. but damn it hurt. Feels better now, but I'll post some pics tomorrow. Now I have to go study for engine dis assembly test tomorrow.
Dang dude.. hope it heals up good for ya.. you need your hands for workin on cars so hopefully u still got full movement tru?
lol, i was doing an install in a friends civic about a month ago and i put my hand into the stereo pocket to get to the wiring and got a really deep cut on the top of my hand, i should have gotten stitches for it but i'm hard headed and since it didn't hurt much i didn't bother, now i got a nasty scar on the top of my hand. oh well... hope you finger heals well....
it is less about the finger as it is the palm. Made it hard to grip stuff but I still got through it. Can't find a butterfly bandage in the state of California it seems like. I have a dr. appointment for other stuff on Thursday so I'll have him take a look at it then as well, to make sure that it isn't infected. Just keeping it clean is hard enough. Like you I am hard headed, I've been sick for almost a solid month before I decided to go to the dr. because it wasn't going away on it's own. one day I think this attitude may kill be but at least I'll go out making everyone believe I was tough... or an idiot mostly the later camp I think
When I was doin all the wiring through the stereo pocket in my civic I got so many cuts and stuff but I was so preocupied with getting the wires through I didn't notice all the blood getting everywhere lol
ty if you cant find a butterfly bandage then look for a second skin type of bandage. it should overlap the cut by 1/2 inch or so to keep it clean. im sure it can be found at a drugstore or walmart.
clean the cut...then hold the slit together and use super glue to hold the wound works.
knew about it. didn't have any super glue handy, accidentally ripped the one on my finger open again damn school! , I think it might not be a bad idea to superglue it and then possibly get it stitched up at my dr on thursday. Mostly because it has become a pain in the ass
finger cots work too. after the glue dries. if you dont know what they are. they are like little rubbers for your finger.:huh:^_^
KRAZY GLUE -- KRAZY GLUE TYPE 241 (KG-824) MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FSC: 8040 NIIN: 00N033443 Manufacturer's CAGE: 61751 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: KRAZY GLUE TYPE 241 (KG-824) =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Company's Name: KRAZY GLUE INC Company's Street: 53 WEST 23RD ST Company's City: NEW YORK Company's State: NY Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 10010 Company's Emerg Ph #: 212-807-3844 Company's Info Ph #: 212-807-3844 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SMJ Date MSDS Prepared: 01AUG86 Safety Data Review Date: 29JUL92 MSDS Serial Number: BPQHP Hazard Characteristic Code: NK =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: ETHYL-2-CYANOACRYLATE MFR CAS NO: 7085-85-0 Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: 97 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1003351ET CAS Number: 708-85-0 OSHA PEL: NOT APPLICABLE ACGIH TLV: NOT APPLICABLE ------------------------------------- Proprietary: NO Ingredient: OTHER INGREDIENTS; (OTHERS) Ingredient Sequence Number: 02 Percent: 3 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1005554OI OSHA PEL: NOT APPLICABLE ACGIH TLV: NOT APPLICABLE =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: COLORLESS LIQUID WITH ODOR. Boiling Point: 149F,65C Melting Point: -22F,-30C Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): 0.17 @ 68F Vapor Density (Air=1): 4.34 Specific Gravity: 1.05 (H*2O=1) Evaporation Rate And Ref: 0.15 (BUTYL ACETATE=1) Solubility In Water: INSOLUBLE. (SUPDAT) =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: 181F,83C Flash Point Method: CC Lower Explosive Limit: 1.7% Extinguishing Media: DRY CHEMICAL, CARBON DIOXIDE. Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED SCBA AND FULL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (FP N). Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NONE KNOWN. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: NO Cond To Avoid (Stability): HIGH HUMIDITY, HIGH TEMPERATURE OR ULTRAVIOLET RAY. Materials To Avoid: BASIC COMPOUND SUCH AS AMINES. Hazardous Decomp Products: WILL NOT OCCUR. Hazardous Poly Occur: YES Conditions To Avoid (Poly): CONTACT WITH BASIC COMPOUND SUCH AS AMINES. =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== LD50-LC50 Mixture: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Route Of Entry - Inhalation: YES Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES Health Haz Acute And Chronic: SKIN: RAPID POLYMERIZATION WILL OCCUR ON HIGH VAPOR CONCENTRATION CAN INDUCE NASAL MUCOUS, HEADACHE, AND GIDDINESS. EYE: IRRITATION AND LACHRYMATION WILL OCCUR SLIGHTLY. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NOT RELEVANT. Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: MILD IRRITATION OF EYES, NOSE AND THROAT. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: INHALATION: NASAL MUCOUS, HEADACHE AND GIDDINESS IN SOME INDIVIDUALS. EYE: LACHRYMATION, IRRITATION. Emergency/First Aid Proc: SKIN: WASH MATERIAL OFF SKIN WITH PLENTY OF WATER. EYE: IMMEDIATELY FLUSH WITH PLENTY OF WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES AND GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. INHALATION: REMOVE PERSON TO FRESH AIR, IF COUGH OR RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS DEVELOP, GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. INGESTION: CALL MD IMMEDIATELY (FP N). =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: WEAR EYE PROTECTION, PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. WIPE AND SOAK UP LIQUID WITH ABSORBENT LIKE RAGS IF LARGE QUANTITY IS SPILLED. VENTILATE SPILL AREA. Neutralizing Agent: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Waste Disposal Method: IMMERSE ABSORBENT IN A PAIL WATER AND DISPOSE AS OILY RAGS. WATER WILL CAUSE INSTANT POLYMERIZATION TO AN INERT SOLID. DISPOSE OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS (FP N). Precautions-Handling/Storing: AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN AND EYES. Other Precautions: AVOID STORAGE WITH PRIMERS. STORE IN DARK, COOL PLACE. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NOT NORMALLY NEEDED IF CONTROLS ARE ADEQUATE. WEAR NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED RESPIRATOR APPROPRIATE FOR EXPOSURE OF CONCERN (FP N). Ventilation: NORMAL AIR EXCHANGE. Protective Gloves: RUBBER OR POLYETHYLENE GLOVES. Eye Protection: CHEMICAL WORKERS GOGGLES (FP N). Other Protective Equipment: NOT REQUIRED. Work Hygienic Practices: NOT REQUIRED. Suppl. Safety & Health Data: SOL IN H*2O: WATER CAUSES RAPID POLYMERIZATION. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== Trans Data Review Date: 93012 DOT PSN Code: ZZZ DOT Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED BY THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION IMO PSN Code: ZZZ IMO Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED FOR THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION IATA PSN Code: ZZZ IATA Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED BY THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION AFI PSN Code: ZZZ AFI Prop. Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED BY THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION Additional Trans Data: NOT REGULATED FOR TRANSPORTATION =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 29JUL92 Label Date: 28JUL92 Label Status: G Common Name: KRAZY GLUE TYPE 241 (KG-824) Chronic Hazard: NO Signal Word: WARNING! Acute Health Hazard-Slight: X Contact Hazard-Moderate: X Fire Hazard-Moderate: X Reactivity Hazard-Slight: X Special Hazard Precautions: AVOID STORAGE WITH PRIMERS. STORE IN DARK, COOL PLACE. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR. ACUTE: SKIN: RAPID POLYMERIZATION WILL OCCUR ON SKIN WITH HEAT. IF QUANTITY IS LARGE, SKIN BURNING MAY HAPPEN. INHAL: HIGH VAPOR CONCENTRATIONS CAN INDUCE NASAL MUCOUS, HEADACHE AND GIDDINESS. EYE: IRRITATION AND LACRIMATION MAY OCCUR SLIGHTLY. CHRONIC: NONE LISTED BY MANUFACTURER. Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Protect Respiratory: Y Label Name: KRAZY GLUE INC Label Street: 53 WEST 23RD ST Label City: NEW YORK Label State: NY Label Zip Code: 10010 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 212-807-3844