Ported vs. Not ported? Fabricating & More

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by 92civicproblems, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    Okay, for my 12" 1300w Sony xplod (I know it's not considered a high quality sub but I got it for free) I made my own box out of 3/4 inch wood. It's 1ft cubed. It is not fabricated.

    NOTE: it is actually 3/4 inch wood Idk why I put 1/4

    Should I port this? If so, what differences does it make and what size should the port be?

    Thanks a lot..
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2008
  2. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    first off...anything that is built is fabricated...there is a "prefabricated" box and a "non prefabricated box"....

    Prefabricated box means that the box was built as a certain size..It is not built for one sub specifically...If it is made out of 1/4" wood use that to make a toy box for your nephew...You need to use 3/4" wood and it needs to be plywood minimum, or particle board (not OSB) or MDF...

    Someone here should be able to chime in on your specific box size needed for that sub...A sealed box will work if the sub was made for a sealed box..if it is, then you need to know the specific amount of air space required for it..ported box would probably be better and more effecient...There again, someone can probably chime in and give you dimensions and port sizes, etc..

  3. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Sony Xplods may be crap subs....But I'll admit they can get pretty loud.
  4. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    It is actually 3/4" wood, Idk why I put 1/4 sorry
  5. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    either way can sound damn good in the right box.
  6. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    my xplod was in a little sealed box before, remember??? anyway, it rattled my roof pretty good with only about 150-200watts going to it. it wasn't chest pounding nor was the bass very clean but it had it.

    it comes down to you 99civic. if you want louder bass then go with ported but you'll probably have to make a new box, it's not easy to have a sealed box and transform it into a ported enclosure. If you like more tight bass then go with sealed.
  7. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    I like bass that will shake the crap out of my car.

    btw: it's a 92 civic :)
  8. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    sealed or ported can do that with enough power.:D
    sealed ^

    of corse both of these have thousands of watts of power (20,000 +)and over 12 12's each.
  9. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    my bad, i meant 92 civic. go with ported. your young and you want to wake the neighbors i'm sure. lol

    Ported is the way to go.
  10. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    but then you'll quickly realize that you cant be straight bumpin all the time. law, ear damage it all sets in quickly lol if they hurt tone it down a bit will ya
  11. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    Thanks bro, I'm goin with ported... MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
  12. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    you're right G3. I was always pushing my system. my ears were killing me so my next system will be very tame.
  13. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    Mine isn't loud enough to really hurt your ears... I'm poor so I can't afford to make it loud or I would :)
  14. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    My current system starts to hurt my ears, but i want it louder.
  15. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    LOL, that a way..
  16. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    92civic, it's not all in the equipment you have... it's in the install. any sub in the right enclosure has the potential to be ear bleeding loud. even yours.... try to get some help with a good box design for your subs.. give the max measurements you can handle for a box and give us the specs of your sub.
  17. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    mine is loud and its a single memphis pr 15" and 400 watts...doesn't take expensive subs and kilowatts of power to get loud.
  18. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i concur. 3 8's and 500 to 600 watts. its all in the box.
  19. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Hey civic i can design a box for you if you like no problem. If azn hasn't offered yet, can't step on the feet of the Master haha. Just let me know the exact model of your sub and how much space you have for a box.
  20. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    You too Pedro, offer is open. I will design the box of all boxes lol.