new subs

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by pedro quiroga, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    hey, ok but why have the subs facing the floor, are you planning to put like legs on it so it can be up from the floor an inch or so. It would be much better facing up i think instead of down. Not sure though. Is it because you don't want people to see the subs when you park? Also if 11" deep is pushing it maybe i can make it 10" deep and go 17" high instead of 16" Either way is fine, let me know what you decide, it will be a tight fit with four 8's across the top or bottom. Maybe make a double baffle-the panel with the subs. ugh, i know more work lol.
  2. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    I could face subs up...That wouldnt be a problem...Dont know if up or down would be better for SQ...If they were down, yes I would lift the box off the floor a little with spacers...

    My biggest worry is appearance...I would rather make it so it doesnt look like I threw a box with speakers into it in the back...When I am finished you will see what I mean...I want it pretty stealth...Even though on anybody's close look at it, they will know it is probably stereo, I would just rather if I have the hatch open it looks less obvious to someone across the parking lot...I am not too worried about it getting ripped off...I live in a calm place and at work it is right outside my door...I dont crank it up so people know I "got a system"..99.9 % of the time sitting next to me at a light you wont even hear it...
  3. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    That's cool, so face them down and have one port in each side near the top, also maybe should leave it 11" deep, will give you a little extra room for the subs. It will be a very tight fit for the subs, maybe trace the pattern first and measure it up before you start building to make sure it can be done.
  4. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    will do.....

    What do you guys use to glue the ports in place? Can the ports be ran along side the top or sides to help hold them in place? Just curious about a 14" long piece of PVC hanging sideways in a box with nothing but the end secured with a 3/4" piece of particle board as the only support?

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2008
  5. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

  6. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Doesn't sound nice does it. But if you use an epoxy it will hold and sound fine.
  7. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    I used the glue for PVC pipes which is called ABS Cement, it's right next to the PVC piping. Holds like Cement! lol, try and cut the holes so it's a tight fit for the pvc pipe also. Oh and try and leave room around the pipes so the air can flow. Don't mount them against a wall.
  8. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Attached Files:

  9. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member


    Attached Files:

  10. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    ok new plan i dont mind the box being as wide as my hatch.

    so 38 x 17 x 11. can it be done?

    sorry AZN i just looked at your original and 20.5 is too tall, but i can stretch the box width now to 38.
  11. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    awesome news. my co workers son called and he has some friends that are interested in my polk 12's and my kicker L7 and probox.
  12. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    sweet! ! ! !
  13. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    yeah but that will leave me with no boom after that. so need a new box design quick, and i aint gonna pick up that box with the orions again. its too dang heavy.

    the only other box i have is and old Q-logic box with a 22 year old mtx blue thunder 12. it might do till i get my new one built.
  14. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    what about your L7?
  15. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    sold as of saturday.
  16. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    its gonna ave to do... how much u gettin for it all?
  17. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    ah, you're finally selling some stuff. like jonny said, how much are you getting for all of it?
  18. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    ok so i have some crap scrap mdf skid tops for a temp box i wanna try to build at work.

    the box will be loosely based on the probox i have for my 10. it will be 32 x 16.5 x 11. thats 3 inches longer than the pro box. same port size and length.

    this is just to give me some bass after the day is over and if i like it i may build it with good mdf.

    if it doesnt work out i'll look around and throw a little sealed box together.
  19. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    let us know how it sounds.... I hate to say this but if i ever get my car sold, my next box will probably be sealed. I can't handle me ears ringing anymore. it hurts too much. I'm going to tone my next system down...
  20. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    well its made and it has some leaks but i just fixed that when i got home.

    it sounds good...damn good. hits deep and gets loud.


    dont ask why its red. i was board .lol.

    oh one more thing. i was off by my measurements by 1.5 - 2 inches. my spare wont fit. arrrrgggggg!! oh well. i still need a new cover for the spare if its going back inside.(it got faded in the sun).

    so if i feel inclined to do it. i may spend some of the money i get to buy a circular saw and some wood and build it again. this time i'll double check my length.

    so if all go's well it will be 30.5 x 16.5 x 11.