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new subs

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by pedro quiroga, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member


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  2. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    I guess three subs wont work for me...I will have to stick with two subs...

    I have a max width of 38 inches...I really dont want the box sticking up higher than the rear seat so I am at a max height of about 16.25"...If I go from the seat towards the back I am limited to about 10.5-11.0 inches..Beyond that my kick drum wont fit when I haul my drums...
  3. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    electrolytic....can the dimension b on the top be stretched out no more than 38" and the dimension a of the front aand back be smaller at around 10" to work with three of these subs?

  4. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    If I made a box that was 38x16.25x11 that should give me and internal volume of 2.99 and I could put the pvc ports in...Would that be good with three of these drivers?

  5. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    hey, do you have 3 drivers or 2, let me know your exact dimensions and i can do it no problems, whatever you want. It's already set up in my program so is easy now to make changes. If you can only go back 10 inches then maybe will have to put the ports in the top of the box facing up because they will need to be at least 12"-14". Let me know.

    Here's Pedro's Blaster Box lol


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    Last edited: Oct 1, 2008
  6. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    I actually have 4....but I know I dont have the space for that if I am gonna haul my drums too...If I can fit 3...cool....if not I can go with two..

    I planned on facing the drivers down...Max width I have is 38"...Max height is about 16.25-16.5...Would like to keep at 10.5 to 11 max deep...

    Here is a pic of my stuff...Front speakers are not here right now..They are Infinity reference separates...6.5 woof & tweets


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  7. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    thats gonna be a nice setup Willy!
  8. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    that is a nice set up willy. i almost got a 4th,but i too need/want some of my hatch back. no pun intended.lol

    i may have a buyer for my orions and maybe the kicker and probox. that will go into a truck like mine.

    i will have to wait for my friend to make my box. as he's busy with work and family.
  9. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    It does look very tasty lol. You could fit all four, but they would have to be mounted in the front of the box with the ports in the top of the box facing up. If you mount the subs kind of diagonally across the front you will have more room inbetween them. Will post a drawing a little after.

    2.91 cu feet tuned to 38.42 hz
    142.7 db peaking at 39.41 hz


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  10. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member


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  11. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

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  12. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

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  13. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

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  14. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

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  15. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member


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  16. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    wow! thats impressive! that will be awesome, 8's at 142! people will be like holy hell!!!
  17. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    electrolytic...I have a question??

    I believe there is room to do it this way....is it ok to do so?

    build the box the dimensions that you have here...Put the drivers in the bottom facing down..put the ports in the sides towards the top of the box (one prt on each end)..If the box is 38" wide that would give you 10" between the ends of the ports on the inside...Being that the ports would be on the sides towards the top and the drivers are not too deep and mounted in the bottom..I think it would all fit...

    Dont think I can face the drivers backwards because they would be unprotected with drum gear sliding around and putting on a grill would make the room not fit....

    Here are two pics...One shows the two drums in the back..as you can see it is right at the limit of where it can be depth wise...In front of the drums are two hardware cases...They are about the size of the sub box...The picture of the tape measure is kinda deceiving...It looks like it is 12 but if you looked straight at it, it would be right at 11 inches...So with the drums pushed up tight and the box being 11 deep that is the room I have to work with...


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  18. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

  19. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    that would be nice...

    Need to get me a little trailer to haul my stuff...

  20. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    lol. the hitch shelf is worth its weight in gold. i got it incase of an evacuation since i live in FL. hurricane season was a bit scary this year.