Brahma Update

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by ryno4, Oct 10, 2002.

  1. ryno4

    ryno4 Full Member

    Well I am very frustrated at this moment.

    Last night I called Adire Audio, to see if they got my sub, not neccesarly to see if they worked on it, just to see if it arrived. I mean c'mon thats $400 right there being shipped.
    So I call up and ask for Dan, well Dans on vacation. So I talk to a guy named Bryan, just to see if it was there, ya know.
    Bryan said oh yes I just looked at it. Well I was in great anticipation to see what was wrong. As he told me, he said the basket was cracked in 2 places. Underneath the rubber seal around the cone, which was kinda deafend by it.

    Anyways, I was like you know whats going to be done about this. This is the Bad News. He said well its going to be about 120$ to fix the basket and blah blah blah. And I have to pay for it?! I mean this is complete bs. He said as far as he was concered the sub was broken in delivery back to Adire Audio. And that I should have asked for an Insurance claim or something like that. Then I ask about the 3 year warranty and said that it doesn't follow under those lines, or soemthing like that.

    As poliete and business-like as I could I told him that I would have to find the receipt and I would get back to Dan about it.

    When I got off the phone is when I did my yelling and bitching.

    I mean this is unfair. I recieved a busted sub. I know it's not mine or Adires fault, but never the less I recieved a broken sub.

    Any of you think this is unfair?

    Ugh, now that I have that off my chest...
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well that sucks

    you will have to see what dan has to say about it I guess.......
  3. JohnBlayz142

    JohnBlayz142 Full Member

    haven't posted in awhile...

    man i sure hope everything goes alright, i would hate for something like that to wasn't cracked when u sent it back was it?
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I PMd you...
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I PMd you...[/b][/quote]
    didnt your mother teach you it is not polite to whisper? :p
  6. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    I dont think you should worry about it. I'm sure that Dan will see things differently

    than Brian. I hear stories all the time about how considerate Dan is when it comes

    to fixing subs.

  7. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    She also taught me it wasn't polite to bone on the first date, but that never stopped me :p :p :p
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    any news man?
  9. ryno4

    ryno4 Full Member

    What the hell happend to the rest of the post there was like 15.
    Oh well.

    Actually I have been very lazy, lol. And haven't called. I dunno what I am going to say when I call him. What if he doesn't reside with me.. Which would complete bs. But anyways.
    I have bigger matters on my hands now.

    Some guy in a mini-van backed up into my car last night :(.. Heh. I wish there was more damage. Cha - Ching!
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    so what your going to let them have your $400 sub?

    That is nto too bright
  11. PointSource

    PointSource Guest

    so what your going to let them have your $400 sub?

    That is nto too bright[/b][/quote]
    You aren't too bright either Michael P.