why dont the guests just become members??

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by spyder3634, Mar 5, 2002.

  1. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    right now there are 3 guests on the boards. why dont u guys/gals just become members???? its not like ya gotta pay for it...:um: :werd: :naughty: :dunno: :headbang:
  2. superman

    superman Guest

    yeah, it doesn't cost money....

    ...Just your SOUL!!!!:D
  3. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

  4. musthavemuzk

    musthavemuzk Full Member

    first post
    in this thread
    just heard about this place tonight.

  5. striker754

    striker754 Guest

    You must realize, sometimes guests are members logged onto a different cpu. Such as school.....
  6. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    ya i know i realized that after i posted this. also sometimes i realize people just want a certain answer and dont want to have to register just for that answer. it really doesnt matter to me;)
  7. musthavemuzk

    musthavemuzk Full Member

    i look at it this way.....
    if i am gonna take then i gotta give too.....
    since i had just found this place. i wanted to give it a good run through to get a feel for the place before i commited to it.
    not shabby

    may i be nosey and inquire when this place started?

  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    The Orginal Car Audio Talk site start up in January 17 2002, I switched to Vbullitien/Vportal system in Febuary 2002

    We have grown nicly but I still would like to see it grow faster, I have alot of changes to make and things to add but I have had to stop in order to rebuild my sales web site www.shop4sound.com

    but as soon as I ge that dont I will start back up on this one
  9. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    ya i dont get why this forum doesnt have that many members. its been advertised on CAF, Termpro, and SD. people are afraid to try something new...:stickpoke
  10. musthavemuzk

    musthavemuzk Full Member

    relax...only been up for 2 months.
    from the immortl words of field of dreams....
    build it they will come

    more does not always mean better.

    i found this place from a link in a thread at CAF.
    this was the same day i registered. first time i had heard of this place.

  11. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    im not getting all tense about the subject or anything. its all good to me:guypeace: