I hate truck drivers

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Civic96, Oct 1, 2002.

  1. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I wish their cargo would explde and they burn alive in their stupid 18 wheelers.

    These fucking retards dont understand that they are driving something that ways 20X heavier than any car on the road. Worst of all they dont understand how big their blind spots are.
    I was driving down a highway today from college with an 18-wheeler 2 feet ahead and to the right of me. I am moving faster so I begin to catch up to him and before I can clear his back tires this fucker starts shifting into me. No turning signal( until he was half way into my lane) or nothing. I beep but my puny siren is no way louder than his fucking engine, so he keeps shifting left. At this point I slam on my brakes and he is about 2 inches from my car when I realize he is going to clip me so I swerve to the left, almost lose control, counter steer right to not hit a median that is liek 2 feet high. To make it all worse the people behind me that I had to cut off are mad at me because some idiot feels that he needs to change lanes for no apparent reason and kill me.

    This doesnt happen once. This happens every month to me. Could they not see my Red car? These people should be castrated and lose all their nonexistent pride.

    People say that asian women are the worst driver, or white trash in their beat up fords, or even ricer but truck drivers are by far the biggest mongoloids alive.

    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  2. Warchief

    Warchief Full Member

    damn that's crazy dumbass drivers........ u gotta see the way most people that live in new mexico drive ...... more than half don't know what the hell they are doing when they get behind the wheel
  3. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    It was crazy. I swerved to the left lane while breaking which is bad enough as it is but then I had to straighten out my car doing 60 cuz the car was leaning left and when I let go off th brake and turned right to not kill mysesf by hitting a wall it felt like the my car was losing control because once I countersteered it snapped back into place. It was weird as hell.

  4. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Don't those cocksuckers have to go to an actual SCHOOL to learn how to drive a truck??

    Shouldn't they be some of the best drivers on the road???
  5. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    most are
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I really love these threads

    My Dad is a professional Truck Driver, and has been for 20 some years,

    I take offense to all of these threads

    Yes, there are bad truck drivers out there, but there are also bad drivers in general.

    YOU should also be more aware of there blinds spots and avoid them, if you know your in one GET OUT OF IT, not that hard to do

    if your can not see their mirrors they can not see you, easy as that......

    Have you eve Bought anything at a store?

    I am sure you have, truck driver delivered that product, with out them you would not be able to go to the local Walmart, and by things or to the supermarket to get your food

    Have some respect,

    I dont know the whole story, but 90% of all Car/Tractor-Trailer accedients are the cars fault..........
  7. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I was actually driving like a human being.......You ahve to liove in PA/NJ/NY to understand
  8. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I was actually driving like a human being.......You have to liove in PA/NJ/NY to understand
  9. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Get a bigger car, you won't have that problem :). I've never had one swerve into me. IMO, they are some of the best drivers i've ever seen. You should see some of the shit they gotta do....
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Why would I have to live there???

    Truck Drivers drive across the contry most of the time, so chances are that driver does not ONLY drive in that area......

    and that area is avoided by most truck drivers like the plaque for a few reasons

    1> that area has ther WORST drivers (cars)

    2> most of the Directions to places in that arera are out dated

    3> it is too congested which is not good for a truck driver


    I am not saying it is your fualt, but in ANY driving situtaion, you should be aware of where your at, and what all the other drivers are doing, that is called DEFENSIVE DRIVING

    Last edited by Michael at Oct 4 2002, 12:11 PM
  11. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    I live in PA, I find that some truckers are a bit nutso. Everyday I see someone in the left lane doing about 70 and a trucker gets right on their ass. Until they move over. But then again it seems like all the explorer, bmw, and mercades drivers do the same thing...

    And today I saw a Hyanda accent doing like 90mph today in the rain... wonder how long it took to get that thing up to such high speeds...
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    90 in the rain running on 85mph tires I am sure :rolleyes:

    and to see a truck do over 65 is rare...

    they must be owner-operators

    99% of the trunking companies govern there trucks to 62-65 MPH meaning they can not go over that
  13. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    90 in the rain running on 85mph tires I am sure :rolleyes:

    and to see a truck do over 65 is rare...

    they must be owner-operators

    99% of the trunking companies govern there trucks to 62-65 MPH meaning they can not go over that[/b][/quote]
    A lot of truckers out here go 80-85.

    I have no complaints with truckers in general, but there are a few (just like any other vehicle drivers) that are bad. Don't discriminate against the whole because of a few bad ones.
  14. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    welcome to the site.BTW this thread is over 5 years old:huh:.so those guys havent been here in quite some time.

    feel free to post pics and ask some questions.looking forward to chatting
  15. psycho_maniac

    psycho_maniac Full Member

    next time either be out of there blind spot or just dont be by them. thats what i do. i never had a problem with a truck driver. anybody ever have to flash a truck driver when they want to get in front of you? meaning your telling them its safe to merge over.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2007
  16. mrmizcue

    mrmizcue Full Member

    I will take any and all bad driver's over the one's here...Jakarta Indonesia. there is no drivers ed. people just have to pay to get a permit...that is all. I have a lot of driving under my belt and i need all of that on a everyday basis. Then there are the moto's....in and out of traffic all of the time. One got squashed by my car today...he was not hurt...just bent his back wheel a little. He was in and out of lanes ...then right in front of me and stopped!!! WTF!!! I slammed on the brakes...but the old Volvo just is too heavy to stop on a dime. I am sure that he will not be the last bike i hit...up to about 7 in 10 weeks and i am a very defensive driver. Oh well... just wanted to share.
  17. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Even though this thread is old....I will add some to it.....

    If The Ancient thinks most trucks are governed for the speeds he mentioned he has never been down a stretch of road here.....Go all the way to the top of Indiana and get on 80/94 at I65 and go west towards Chicago....You will not find a semi going that slow unless he is on a ramp going on or off....Most times when you drive on that stretch of road, there is NO WAY to not be in a blind spot of a semi.....I was on I 80 several years ago, I was passing a semi heading up to a toll booth, when he came over and hit me, pushing me at a 45 degree angle for several hundred feet with his right front tire.....He said he thought he felt something and then backed off slow as to not pull off quick and make me lose control....He was driving a tanker.....Those guys are usually the best drivers of semi's.....I have been a diesel mechanic since 1986 and I could tell you story on top of story of what I have seen.....I had a driver fall asleep while pulling his truck into our shop.....I have seen so many foreigners driving who cannot speak or read english...This part of the country too has some of THE WORST drivers period.....Not just semi.....I try my very best to avoid the interstate.....in a 55 mph zone, you cannot even keep up doing 70.....I aint even kidding
