Looking for abra from caf

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by systempimp_1500, Sep 19, 2002.

  1. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    i know a few of you guys in here are from caf. i have 500+ posts there, and today abra got kicked off of there for good, some im just seeing if hes in here. that place seem so empty without him , so im looking for another place that hes in........... :(
  2. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    I do believe he posts here off and on..... he's not online now though
  3. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    he use to post here alot but lately he dosnet coem around I dont know why, He doesnt get banned from here every week :lol:
  4. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    damn slaythechildren got banned too?lol
  5. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    yeah......slaythechildren is gone too.... :(

    but this time hes gone for good. he cant get around lee anymore, so that its for him.
  6. Alan

    Alan Full Member

    personally i can say that i like abra, he's the one that directed me to CAF in the first place. But on the other hand, i can't see the reason for acting the way he does. I'm sure he very well may have personal problems, but like lee said, its not his job to babysit abra and make sure everyone else is happy. I am not happy he is gone by any means, I would just hope that he learns his lesson and decides to behave elsewhere ;)
    Also, im damn sick of all these abra threads. Thats whats ruining CAF. Don't let it get out of hand here please.
  7. edesignSPL

    edesignSPL Full Member

    hehe...sup werd. and abra, when you read this...BE NICE TO YOUR NEW HOME! lol :p

    i'm still mystified as to what criteria Lee uses to choose who to ban (it's a rare thing indeed)...doesn't make sense to me.
  8. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    hell, he went beyond ban with abra, He filed a formal complaint to his ISP. He banned his whole IP block!! crazy shit.
  9. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Damnit pimp, you stole my avatar!! Damnit again for having a nicer system than me.

    Oh well. I gues when there are a handful of avatars to chose from and you're too lazy to make your own, you get repeats...
  10. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    OK I changed my avatar. If anybody can figure out what the heck that is, i'll be very impressed.
  11. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    its an amoeba!!!!! ;)
  12. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    That, my friend, is an excellent guess. You clearly have some biology skills!

    You are wrong though :(
  13. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    is it a paramecium? lol :gives: :bs:
  14. edesignSPL

    edesignSPL Full Member

    um...dude, can i have my abortion back? :angry:
  15. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    I'm here :D

    Lee wen't insane on me, I dunno why he would ban me and not half of the other sorry bastids on that forum...but I had a habit of challanging his authority by getting around all of his retarded bans :p

    In any case, fuck CAF, i think he unbanned my subnet mask but I'm not going back there...I'd rather not have to worry about every little tiny thing that comes out of my mouth, he was banning me for literaly nothing in the end :rolleyes:

    Glad to know a few people think that it was kinda dumb what he did, I've never been the most popular person in any aspect of life, mostly because i'm not a goddamn cookie cutter shitless peice of uninteresting crap personality wise...so I ruffle a few feathers :D

    In any case, I'm takin up residence here now, this forum has always been good to me and I will continue to be good to it, the mods here are all cool anyway...except maybe sandt, that old bastid :D :D :D *Waves* Hey nat man heheh
  16. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    stacy532 raises a beer up to his computer. welcome back.... :lol:
  17. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    I don't forsee any problems for ya on here Abra...even if you are having a bad day there aren't enough stupid posters for you to rip on. :lol:
  18. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    where's that ban button?

    Glad to have you here Abra. Many have been asking for you, so I'll let them know you are here ;) .
  19. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    lol. It's a leukemia cell.

    Welcome back Abra.
  20. JohnnyD

    JohnnyD Full Member

    haha .. i dont care much for leukemia