DEI Studio Comps

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by SQ_X4 Mikey, Sep 23, 2002.

  1. SQ_X4 Mikey

    SQ_X4 Mikey Full Member

    I went to my local shop yesterday and they have a pair of these. Actually they have 2 Pairs of these brand new. I asked them How much for the 2 Pairs...He said He will sell them to me for $340.00 total including tax...Am I getting ripped off?

    Do these things sound good? Please let me know as I need 2 sets to go into 2 different cars.

  2. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    Had the 3055's...good speakers for the money, but not great speakers. I have been told that they are much better when run active.
  3. SQ_X4 Mikey

    SQ_X4 Mikey Full Member

    Run active?..I've never tried this before, I always used the supplied Xover..TO run active, do i need a PRE-AMP 3 way Xover like one of those AudioControls?

  4. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    Run active?..I've never tried this before, I always used the supplied Xover..TO run active, do i need a PRE-AMP 3 way Xover like one of those AudioControls?

    You'll need 4 channels of amplification, a high pass xover, and a bandpass (both hp and lp). High pass for the tweets, bandpass for the mid.

    They do sound good, by the way. I would have been much happier if I could have attenuated the tweet. There are ways of doing it without going active; I just didn't know how to at the time.
  5. SQ_X4 Mikey

    SQ_X4 Mikey Full Member

    I have a Cadence Z4000 amp (4 channel)..will this work?
  6. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    I beleive that you amp will work, as long as you can adjust the crossover for each set of channels.