Ahhh It's Good To Be Home *Grin*

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by AbRaKaDaVa, Sep 24, 2002.

  1. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Yup, I think I'll officaly make CAT my home forum...

    Lee banned my subnet mask over at CAF and to tell you the truth, I really don't give a shit...things have been pretty sad over there latley anyway...

    With all the brand fanboys and the newbies who after 3 days of posting are convinced that they know everything about car audio on the planet and god knows what else is going on over there now I just have no desire to go back anyway...

    I think Lee unbanned my subnet mask, or I managed to log on to another server through my dial up..I'm not sure which, but I'm still not posting over there...I'm sick of being cut off at the knees every time I crack a joke, at first it was for things that were totaly understandable...when I would act like a complete dick but Lee really went overboard after a while...banning me for litarly nothing...except getting around his previous bans :rolleyes:

    In any case, It's nice to be back here...I used to post here all the time and Sandt will atest to the fact that I tend to be a hell of alot nicer on this forum...perhaps its the absence of morons everywhere you look :D

    *Puts up some posters and plugs in a blacklight*

  2. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    welcome back and who needs caf anyways? hey go post some gothic girl pics at my other page. lol www.garageboard.com :dunno:
  3. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    CAF does blow...this forum has much more potential at this point. Now we just need more people.
  4. JohnnyD

    JohnnyD Full Member

    exactly ...
  5. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    welcome home abra, CAT is the greatest...... :p
  6. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    goddamn asshole WTF took you so long to get your ass back here ;) I can also atest to abra not being a dick over here too. See you should have never left here in the first place :asshole: j/k
  7. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    I went through all the stages with you Abra. At first I just thought you were a loud mouthed punk with an axe to grind on strangers. Then I realized that you were joking ninety percent of the time. Then I thought you were a jerk for joking so much. Then I started catching myself laughing at your posts and sometimes wishing I wrote them.

    I have to be honest, I can understand why you were/are misunderstood to some extent. You DO cross lines a lot and challenge authority a bit (understatement?). All in all though, I really think you are quite funny (now that I think I understand your humor) and have a lot to offer. Good to see you here. :)

    This is the part where you swear at me for calling you a punk. Make sure to be vulgar... :p
  8. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Man, caf was pretty good when i first started going there some months ago, but now its a bunch of BS posts and whiney babies in there talkin shit and having pissing matches. Damn internet thugs! Its amazing how strong and brave people are behind a keyboard. OH well, enough about caf, welcome home cousin!
  9. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    I give up on caf anybody want to use my name over there? lol :dunno: :gives:
  10. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    I want to fucking shove a stake thru liljp's neck or whatever the fuck his name is over on CAf what a fucking idiot that bitch needs to be banned :ak47:
  11. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    That hideious fuck was talking all kinds of bullshit on that thread about me...I can't figure out why, I gave him a hard time at first but for a long time now I've been the only person on CAF who didn't treat him like a complete piece of shit because I figure...hey...the kid is mentaly handicap, not his fault he's jelous of his pet rock's IQ...so why yell at him?

    But after all that shit, I'd like to stab his fuckin backwoods redneck wish I was black but they don't like it when the retard trys to slang on the corner and beat me up talkin about how my "If lost please call mommy at 883-384-8832" sign hung around my neck makes them look wack but I still wish i was a balla ass

    Fuck that kid, if I ever run into him I'm gonna introduce him to my longtime friends "Pavement" and "Emergency Room"

    Last edited by AbRaKaDaVa at Sep 25 2002, 06:45 PM
  12. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    That hideious fuck was talking all kinds of bullshit on that thread about me...I can't figure out why, I gave him a hard time at first but for a long time now I've been the only person on CAF who didn't treat him like a complete piece of shit because I figure...hey...the kid is mentaly handicap, not his fault he's jelous of his pet rock's IQ...so why yell at him?

    But after all that shit, I'd like to stab his fuckin backwoods redneck wish I was black but they don't like it when the retard trys to slang on the corner and beat me up talkin about how my "If lost please call mommy at 883-384-8832" sign hung around my neck makes them look wack but I still wish i was a balla ass

    Fuck that kid, if I ever run into him I'm gonna introduce him to my longtime friends "Pavement" and "Emergency Room"[/b][/quote]
    OOO hostility...

    I like it :devil:
  13. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I missed fighting with you over bondage pictures :rolleyes:

    Welcome back.........traitor

  14. MJE

    MJE Full Member

    That hideious fuck was talking all kinds of bullshit on that thread about me...I can't figure out why, I gave him a hard time at first but for a long time now I've been the only person on CAF who didn't treat him like a complete piece of shit because I figure...hey...the kid is mentaly handicap, not his fault he's jelous of his pet rock's IQ...so why yell at him?

    But after all that shit, I'd like to stab his fuckin backwoods redneck wish I was black but they don't like it when the retard trys to slang on the corner and beat me up talkin about how my "If lost please call mommy at 883-384-8832" sign hung around my neck makes them look wack but I still wish i was a balla ass

    Fuck that kid, if I ever run into him I'm gonna introduce him to my longtime friends "Pavement" and "Emergency Room"[/b][/quote]
    wow...oh yea...

    abra a man hug to you...that was some hate that you vented...

    we've all had our moments...and some of us...like that lilip idiot has them everyday in his life...yet we are blocked, instead of them.

    its cool though i dont care. when i first was at CAF i felt welcome aside from a few doubts...but all in all it was a good experience until lately. hope to see you around on this forum...

    aim SN MichaelJE2k1
  15. xganjax

    xganjax Guest

    I thought i would stop by and see what you were up to abra. it's not the same without you at caf :(

    caf is going downhill, i think you leaving is a sign of bad things come... damn invasion of newbs and totoro wannabes.

    I must say, cat is set up very well, i like all the similes :blink: :pimp: :jawdrop:
  16. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Hehe yeah CAT owns :D

    Sure do miss Mike's crazy anti government ass tho, I wonder what the hell has him so caught up that he can't pop online once and a while :blink:

    Oh, and Civic, I never posted bondage pics, they were just Gothic girls :D

    Oh, and some Anime ones too I believe...got sicka you and yer lousy Brittany crap :p

    I'll have to go spice up the pic post again soon MWHAHAHAHA :D

    Man I dunno why I ever left, the only reason I've stuck around CAF so long is the huge amount of members it has...but with numbers, comes more idiots and more reasons for me to get riled up and banned :rolleyes:

    Ah well, Fuck it! :D
  17. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member


    I even emailed you after you got banned, but you never replied . anyways, i dont

    know if you even remember ever seeing my name over at caf(550+ post), but i

    stood up for you a lot, and i wouldnt be surprised if i get banned real soon

    because im fixing to give Lee a piece of my mind. Thats gay how he bans you for

    making jokes, but supports the post about how cool he thinks weed is and stupid

    shit like that. anyways.......its nice to see you again dude..........

    Jeff :D
  18. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member


    Hey man, yeah I remember you...

    Dude, I have no idea what email address you sent that to, I had to create so many bullsh!t email addresses to get around Lee's bans...thats why I never awnsered, sorry about that!

    But yeah, basicly Lee can suck on my sac, his whole criterea for banning people makes absolutly no sense at all... :rolleyes:

    Oh well, life goes on and CAT > CAF by far anyways! :)