HEY GUYS! It's me!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by edesignSPL, Sep 20, 2002.

  1. edesignSPL

    edesignSPL Full Member

    :devil: another damn Elemental Designs rep :devil:

    sup guys! Finally got around to registering over here (alaska be my usual nick) :) Read some posts here and actually learned something from the multiple spiders thread! Good stuff...

    I'm HOPING that this board has a much higher maturity level than CAF has at the present moment, not to try and start anything but Lee REALLY needs to do something about that place if he wants to keep many of the knowledgable members over there. Place is like a junior high lunch room or something...

    ANYWAY...most of you, if not all, prob know who i am already so no further introduction needed! See you all around.... :D
  2. superman

    superman Guest

    Welcome! You helped me a while back on CAF, it will be great to have another mature member added to CarAudioTalk. Good to have you here.
  3. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Welcome to the forum! I think you have given me some pretty valuable information a couple times over at caf.
  4. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    double post! :ph34r:

    Last edited by Honest Bob at Sep 20 2002, 08:29 PM
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Alaska, glad to see you here. I certainly hope you find us more mature and just as helpful as the other place. We try not to bash on the other forums much here, we used to have a big problem with it.

    I know you well enough and certainly hope you continue to join us and keep us informed when you have the input. But fuck man, did you have to change your name? I'm gonna have a time remembering who you are...

    Welcome aboard,
  6. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member


    Glad to see this forum growing...
    It is nice to see experienced CAF members coming over too..
  7. edesignSPL

    edesignSPL Full Member

    thanks for the warm welcome :)

    sandt...you're not getting THAT old are you? :p i changed it cuz it's what my AIM nick is and my email addy starts with it as well. Be easier for people to track me down here if they don't know my other nick (not sure how they couldn't!). If you want...i can start every post with "Sandt...this is ALASKA" :dance:

    and yeah, i remember the forum war...about as heated as the W7 vs brahma posts :unsure:
  8. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Episode IV - A New Hope

    Nice to see some more people coming around here. Perhaps with reps like yourself, we will have another growth spurt.

    I have found this forum to be far more mature than CAF. The people are just as helpful (many are the same) although the tone is different. Weird, you would think that on a forum that allows swearing and such - it would be worse than CAF. Not so.

    I hope traffic picks up a bit now.

    Welcome aboard. Looking forward to my new k-series.
  9. thumperfbc

    thumperfbc Full Member

    hey alaska... another convert eh? me too.

    I keep meaning to say "hey" on aim for no apparent reason... I put you on my BL but I cant for the life of me remeber why.... I musta had a question at some point. Oh well.

    Later man.
  10. Warbleed

    Warbleed Full Member

    Geo! what's up. You need to IM me sometime man. My AIM SN is Drakhi.
  11. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    well its about damn time you made it over here ;) welcome to the world of CAT
  12. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    Good to have ya here !!! Always good to have an experienced person as well as a audio rep in here.

    welcome :blink:
  13. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    hey alaska, (i think people are still gonna call u that forever)

    when are the e15k's gonna be shipping? i ordered 2 of them before the pre-order was up, and its been awhile, so im just wondering......
  14. edesignSPL

    edesignSPL Full Member

    if i remember my conversation with ben correctly (and it did involve me and alcohol hehe) they should be starting to ship early this week...i know he said it's about to get very busy. We had a delay at customs for two weeks with our cones so that put us way behind schedule...

    check the ED forum at SIN as well...he'll prob post on there as soon as they start going out and you should get your tracking # via email when they go out as well
  15. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    ok thats cool, i can wait, i dont even have amps or anything yet... :D