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New System in the Grand Marquis (Build Thread)

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by eazy, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. Throttletune

    Throttletune Full Member

    The same length of 20 gauge wire will read the same resistance.
  2. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    you also need to test the the resistance at your grounding points on the chassis to see if the resistance is less or not. to be honest though eazy i used to have a '99 lincoln town car which nearly identical to your grand marquis, and i know it has a solid frame all the way through so it may be better for you to just ground it to the chassis. but i never had a system in it so i never had a need to test it myself.
  3. danracer

    danracer Full Member

    if it has a solid chassis ground it to the chassis...you have nothing to loose there, and if u can do em both(thats if u got the cash). cuzz iirc copper is more cunductive than steel ...but who knows
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2007
  4. eazy

    eazy Full Member


    I'm doing that with knukonceptz kolossus 1/0 gauge... 5145 strands for $3.25 a foot
  5. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    I haven't decided whether to get the regular or fleks. I'm covering it with split loom in the engine bay, so it doesn't matter... but the regular stuff might look bigger :D
  6. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Well I routered my port edges, sanded them, and I did try to make 45 degree wedges, but I was unsuccessful... my jigsaw is a piece of ****. Instead, I did the self-leveling wedges with glue.
  7. danracer

    danracer Full Member

    pics?? lol
  8. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    my friend just picked up some knukonceptz kolossus 1/0 gauge. pretty nice stuff.
  9. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    And please dont forget the fuse at the front and back battery. The ground from the front to the back battery is not necessary (but it wont hurt anything either). A chassis ground is more than enough for both batteries. The ground for the amp needs to be near the rear batt ground. In fact I like those grounds to be next to each other. Also those grounds need to be nut and bolt.
  10. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Nice i might do a 0 gauge ground too, but measuring the wires resistance like that tells you nothing lol. You have to add voltage to the equation then by how many feet and what gauge. Every foot of wire you lose power due to resistance.
  11. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    my car is all peices welded together too, i really don't like grounding it back there.
  12. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    I only need a fuse on each end of the positive wire right?

    Can't I just ground my amps on the battery negative?
  13. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Will do, tomorrow... this is going to take forever to dry. I poured the glue 12 hours ago and it doesn't look any different.
  14. danracer

    danracer Full Member

    well i was checking the resistance for the ground...for the power wire the more you have the better. on my van im gonna use 2 runs of 0 gauge for the power wire to the back batteries and eventually add more.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2007
  15. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    yes only a fuse between the power wires

    You can ground the amps to the battery negative

    Its kinda preference
  16. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    Is this glue going to dry? lol

    I used Steve Meade's self leveling trick, except he uses resin.
  17. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Um...did you just pour a bunch of wood glue???

    its going to take weeks to dry and it will shrink down QUITE a bit.

    You should have made MDF paste and used that.
  18. danracer

    danracer Full Member

    so you did like glue 45s??
  19. eazy

    eazy Full Member

    yeah lol.

    So should I go buy some resin, clean the glue out, and do it with resin? How long will it take resin to dry?
  20. danracer

    danracer Full Member

    well i dont know much about resin but i think it all depends on how much hardener you put in the mixture but yeah i think that replacing it with resin will be much cleaner lol and a lot faster