Alpine IVA-D105, pdx 1.600, type x

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Amplifiers' started by dpaul, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. dpaul

    dpaul Full Member

    Hello. I have an alpine IVA-D105 deck connected to 3 10" type x subs run off of 3 pdx 1.600 amps. Then i have a 2.150 pdx amp for my front speakers. Unfortunately, my subs just turn off if i turn the music up too loud. My amps shut off with that red blinking light. I really dont want to have to deal with them turning off if my music is too loud. I dont know if i need to change the audio settings on the deck or not. i dont know much about car stereo since i got all my stuff put in at an audio dealer. But should i change the frequency on the deck or what? Please let me know what i need to do so my subs and amps dont shut off when i turn my music up loud. Any advice would be great.

  2. danracer

    danracer Full Member

    well that means that the amp is going into protection mode...perhaps you have the impedance too low, not enough current...
  3. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    There is nothing wrong with your impedance...the PDX mono amps put out full power between 1-4 ohms...also the Type X subs are fool proof when wiring

    1. What vehicle is this?? What size alternator do you have??

    2. What size is your power wire??

    3. How are the amps grounded??

    4. What size are the ground wires??

    5. What electrical upgrades have you done??

    6. Have you upgraded your big three??

    7. What is the voltage at the amps when they shut off??

    My guess is voltage problems
  4. dpaul

    dpaul Full Member

    It is a 2006 honda accord. i dont know the alternator size, i upgraded the battery to a yellowtop optima. Thats all i really know. and they run two guage wires. im not really sure because i had it set up by an audio shop and they just keep saying that it has a limit and all. but it doesnt seem that loud. i was expecting it to be very loud.
  5. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    what kind of enclosure are the subs in??

    each of those subs can handle the PDX 1000.1 easily also
  6. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    to me it also sounds like a voltage issue.

    try this, run your 150 and dissconect the power to 2 of your sub amps.

    crank it to see if it shuts down.since the other 2 arent sucking power from your charging system,my guess is it will play longer.

    if it didnt shut down turn on 1 more sub amp.check agian.

    also what are you sub amp gains set at?heres a hint. they should not be all the way up.

    if you dont have a big three upgrade.then get it helps.really.a bigger power wire from the alt to batt and a larger ground even helps out.(large
  7. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    hmmm..what about cooling? are they very hot to the touch when they shut down?
  8. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    those amps are very efficient and shouldn't even get nearly as hot as normal class d amps...I wish I had the money for them
  9. mrmizcue

    mrmizcue Full Member

    i would agree that it sounds like a current issue...those amps should have at least 0/1 ran to them...a 2k watt system needs big current and 0/1 will handle that.
  10. dpaul

    dpaul Full Member


    I went to the car stereo store today and they told me that if i had one pdx1.1000 amp and one of the type x subs that it would be louder than the 3 type x and the 3 pdx 1.600 amps that i have right now. how does this make any sense?
  11. mrmizcue

    mrmizcue Full Member

    what does the book say about blinking red light?

    That does not make sence to me???????
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2007
  12. dpaul

    dpaul Full Member you all know how the amps were shutting off before. It was because there was to much current. thats why the amps shut off for protection. I had my audio shop re-wire the subs in series. They were in parallel before. The amps don't shut off at all anymore, but the subs are definitely not even close to as loud as they were when the amps did shut off. Does anyone have any suggestions so i could re-wire it up in parallel and not have the amps shut off? should i upgrade the alternator, should i add another cap? anything would be helpful. thanks
  13. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    how about just 2 subs to one amp.
  14. dpaul

    dpaul Full Member

    i have 3 subs and 3 amps....shouldnt that be more power???
  15. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member would be more power but also it's a strain on your electrical,and you want it to keep playing without shutting down right?

    or just get a high output alt.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2007
  16. dpaul

    dpaul Full Member

    do you think if i get a high output alt. then i can put the subs back in parallel without the amps shutting off?
  17. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i would think so.maybe an extra batt as well.