well it happened today. and Now I am really truly

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Sep 3, 2002.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I dont know what the fuck I am going to do now........

    my best selling line, the ONLY thing that has kept my business going was just cut off.....

    I can no longer sell cadence......

    they dont like my prices,

    I have been talking with the mangament there, litterly YELLING at them but to luck

    I have to talk with the OWNER tommorow,

    even if I get them back I will no longer be able to "officaly " sell them at my low prices....

    I really dont know what to do......

    Mods, check the staff forum
  2. MJE

    MJE Full Member

    sorry mike...hope things work out for you.
  3. Slump_Da_Hustla

    Slump_Da_Hustla Full Member

    That sucks. I've never even seen cadence in a store. You'd think they would want every available outlet to sell thier product. I was cosidering thier amps based strictly on good things I heard about them on this forum and your low prices. There's no way I would walk into a car audio store and paY what they want for thier products retail after never having heard of them.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    give them a call and help me out

    Steve is the owner

    he will be in from 11-6pm, EST....

    or email them at


    and tell them to allow American Audio (www.shop4sound.com) to continue to sell cadence products.....

    tell them I am your only source of cadence and will not buy from anyone but me....

    if I get a few emails on my side it could help when I call about 2pm tommorow
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    and i found a new distributor, but I have to varify they can sell to me, dropship, and all that good stuff

    so hopefully I can get something going, but I just hate to switch suppliers,, this guy has been great to me...........

    this is a real shame, real shame indeed

    cadence loses the BESt dealer :D all because I sell online, to people that have never see heard of considered cadence products before coming to me,
  6. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Mike, My turn around time on Cadence direct is terrible, and UPS sucks here, or I'd set it up for you. I suggest Santa Fe... They carry the whole line, and their prices are decent. I'll hit you in the staff forum...
  7. Scoob33

    Scoob33 Guest

    Sorry to hear that Mike. When you told me about this earlier today in AOL, I was completely clueless. If it wasn't for your online store, I would have not heard of Cadence and their wonderful, powerful amps.

    You, in a way, helped to broaden their market base, by informing guys like me (Audiophile newbies, and hobbyists alike) that such a product exists.

    I hope you will still be able to sell this line of product as I will be looking forward to purchase another Cadence amp in the next few months.

    Good Luck.

    p.s. Nice Site.
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member


    your amp is on the way BTW, this in no way effect your purchase or the warranty

    all cadence amp purchased before today will still be serviced by my distributor.....

    just to let you know

    and I will have the definite answer tomorrow,

    seriously though

    if any of you have the time please email them, and tell the about my customer service, how you liked ot disliked shopping with me, how there are no cadence dealers in your area (if there are none)

    if they see the sale advantage they will be more pron the let me continue doing as I have been, with a few restrictions of-course,
  9. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    I just wrote em an email for you Michael. ;)
  10. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    MY AMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh god Oh god.....I have no money and no sub.....why does god hate me? :(
  11. syntekz

    syntekz Full Member

    Hey Mike,

    I wrote them an e-mail. You've been nothing to awesome to me as a customer and a board member.

    Here is an excerpt:

    "If you take a look at some of the more popular web forums / communities you will notice that the word Cadence and Michael are almost always associated with each other."

    Hope it helps man.
  12. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Mike you got a great backbone here B)
  13. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    I just hear that www.shop4sound.com has lost its priviledge of selling cadence products. There are no cadence dealers around here and I was going to go with them for my next component amp. http://www.shop4sound.com is a very legit business and Michael, the owner, is a great guy. He was getting A LOT of cadence sales and I'd like to attribute the internet rage of new cadence products (other than maybe the A7HC) to his forum members who tried them out due to the good specs and decent cost. I am in no way affiliated with shop4sound or Michael, and it will only affect me in the way of choosing a new component amp, but I am very supportive of him and his business and was looking forward to seeing what the huge net rage of "buy Cadence" was all about. Maybe you all should think of that before you make decisions like this.

    A lost customer,
    Shawn Anderson

    good enough?

    Last edited by trifle at Sep 4 2002, 02:58 AM
  14. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    Mike, wish you the best of luck, dont know if it would help you out, but i can give you a phone number for a cadence distributor i use, not sure if they drop ship or if you would want to work eith someone so far away, but ill be hapy to shoot you their info. If interested just shoot me a pm.. and cadence has an email..
  15. Thoraudio

    Thoraudio Guest

    My advise would be to follow the lead of another well known e-tailer.

    Sell the Cadence for $550, but offer a $100 gift certificate with it.

    That way, you can sell Cadence for the "authorized" price, but your still giving people a good deal, AND your enticing people to spend more money with you.

    Last edited by Thoraudio at Sep 4 2002, 09:08 AM
  16. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    who would that be
  17. Thoraudio

    Thoraudio Guest

    Ampman doesn't sell Cadence, but he offers the "gift certificates" or "coupons" with the purchase of certain products.

    You sell the amp for $550 like Cadence wants you too, but you offer the coupon. You keep cadence, your customers are still getting a good deal, and they've just bought $100 worth of accessories (at a great price of course) that they may not have purchased from you before.

    It's a win/win/win

  18. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member


    First I refuse to sell at a "authorized" price WITH OUT being authorized..........

    next cadence told me on the phone that even that was unaccpetable to them....

    they want there products sold AT MAP with NO other discounts incentives etc

    but I have not called to owner yet

    I have to wait till I talk to him to see how I want to proceed
  19. Thoraudio

    Thoraudio Guest


    oh well, it was a thought.
  20. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    I'll go ahead and throw together an email for ya Mike.

    Last edited by flawlesskid at Sep 4 2002, 11:29 AM