need help & ideas

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by aitkenkingfish, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. aitkenkingfish

    aitkenkingfish Full Member

    I have a tacoma acess cab. I had a long time ago an amigo with 2 15" kicker comps, 2 kicker 8" truck boxes, & front 6" coaxels. sounded great got all the notes in every song. well I would like that same great soundiing systam in my tacoma. I have purchesed a sony cdx-ra700 has 3 pre amp out puts. which will eliminate my clarion crossover. 2 alphasonik 400 series 12's im using 1 of them 2 was giving me a head ache ive mounted the one on the outside to increase the box volume which I belive was a little small. I built a simple large box and got better sound out of the sub but it was rather large. about the size of a single 15" box. amps alphasonik pma2300 running the sub. pmz2100 & 3002 not installed but will use for front & rear when I get new speakers. I would like to do a single 12 or 15 if possible so I will still have use of one jump seat. any sudjestions for a tacoma access cab wanting great sound. I dont remember having this much presure in my amigo & it had 2 15 subs. this new equipment sure has changed where did the sound quality go or do I just need some help.
    I an interested in a nice system i can show off maybe a fiberglass inlosure for a single sub between the jump seats. I can do glass work but have no idea of box design. or how to consider laying it out. I would like to incorpurate an amp rack of some sort instead of under the seats(blah) any ideas. & where should I start. im off & running probably in the wrong direction

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  2. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Alphasonic is ok...not the greatest, if you have a very limited budget though it works. I doubt you will get it to sound sweet though.
  3. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i think you have more pressure because its right behind you in a smaller truck space.

    maybe a 10 or an 8 would work with your space limitations in your truck.
  4. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    also diffrent vehicals have diffrent acoustics.

    good luck.
  5. aitkenkingfish

    aitkenkingfish Full Member

    ive read on hear some where that a set of 10"s are better for a truck than 12"s. I just want the deep bass im not sure 10"s can produce?