has anyone out there installed remote locks on 2001 corolla with factory power locks? do you know of a site where i can get help with it?
Ranger I have a 99 Camry CE and would like to get power locks retrofitted so I can hit a little key-fob button to unlock when my hands are full. Can you steer me toward more info? Thanks
Adding power door locks is not that hard. I like the Audiovox PROPDA1. They are cheap and they last a long time. You can also add factory motors if you like but in some cases its harder than adding the universal motors. So my recomendation would be the audiovox pieces as long as there is room behind the door panels Getting the wire from the door to in the car is usually the hardest part. A really large tie wrap (like they have at LOWES for air conditioning ducts, usually around 4 feet long) make that part of the project a little more managable. Next, all you will need is two relays. The picture from the12volt is better than anything that I can draw