Latest system!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by haemphyst, Jul 15, 2007.

  1. haemphyst

    haemphyst Full Member

    Can I post yet?? :p

    Anyway, I thought I'd try again to show off my newest, latest and greatest!

    Please check it out haemphyst’s new system

    (I hope that's an allowable link, seriously.)
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2007
  2. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    So lets build it or is it already built.
  3. haemphyst

    haemphyst Full Member

    It's already built! You have to get all the way to the end to see it! Many pictures of the enclosure construction, as well as few reviews.

    I'm as happy with it as I have ever been with ANY system in any car I have ever done, and even MORESO, because I did it all!
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2007
  4. sl0wm03

    sl0wm03 Full Member

    A 50" port sounds huge. It looks nice, the grey spray that's on it, not exactly sure of the name.
  5. haemphyst

    haemphyst Full Member

    A 50 inch port WOULD be huge, but I couldn't get it all to fit, the way I wanted it to, so the 50 inch port morphed into a true transmission line.

    1.2 cubic feet with 50 inches (length) of 15^2 inches (area) of port, would have been an Fb of 24Hz, or thereabouts.

    Thanks... the finish I chose is called "Fleckstone"
  6. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    nice haem...I've been watching your thread since the beginning.

    I really like that does it sound??
  7. haemphyst

    haemphyst Full Member

    I like it... No, I'd hazard "LOVE" it. Deep, tight, fast, and loud enough for me, I was able to get 114dB pink noise, (@ about 750 watts input) average from 18Hz to 65Hz - with the radiating area of one 10" woofer, with only 375 watts powering it! A small 2dB hump above 20Hz to around 30Hz offers some really nice, reasonably true sub-bass performance.

    Super musical, it isn't even there, until it needs to be. Even with the crossover point as high as it is - at 62Hz - FAR higher than I normally would choose; I like MUCH lower crossover points, especially with shallower slopes. The 48dB crossover slopes make it blend perfectly with the front stage, it sounds like the subs are installed in the kickpanels. No image smearing at all!

    Not too bad, really!
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2007