Time to buy!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by adrock131313, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. adrock131313

    adrock131313 Full Member

    OK all i have posted some ideas for my 07 chevy aveo and over the weekend i will be purchasing a new system. I have my ideas but i wanna hear yours. these are the items i need. 2 din radio (like to have dvd monitor), wiring harness and mounting kit, 5 1/4 componants. amp, 2 12" subs, sub box, amp kit. I have a system priced at 1000-1250 using JVC H/U, MB Quart Comps, Power acustic amp, diamond subs, audio enhancers box.
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    why two 12s??

    What kind of box????

    How much room??

    Don't buy prefabs...build your own for less than a fraction and have better sound and output
  3. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    for that much you could probably do better than jvc for a head unit. That part is kind of important lol.
  4. adrock131313

    adrock131313 Full Member

    2 12"s cause i like the lower deeper bass . . . need 1.5 per chamber for the subs i have selected, diamond d3. I don't have the time or tools needed to build my own box and accually would love to find a down firing slot ported box for the hatch. would help to protect the subs as well as hide the a bit. The JVC HU i like cause i have owned a couple JVC units in the past and was really happy with them.
  5. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    1 12 can get just as deep as two,but if its shear output then if you want 2 then get 2.

    azn runs 1 sub as do i and both get very loud.it could also save you some cash.i'm sure thats what he may have been getting at.

    1 sub in the right box can sound as good as 2.myL5 10in kicker gets as loud as my friends 2 pioneer 12's in a prefab box with 1/3 the power he's running.i have around 240ish from the rear channels of my PG 4ch.my friend has a 2ch hifonics 1600 brutis running at 1ohm.
  6. adrock131313

    adrock131313 Full Member

    so your suggestion is to by one better quality 12 with a true RMS amp? suggestions for about $400 or so? remember i have no box and have no means of building one =/
  7. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    For the cost of a prefab and another sub...you can prolly find a carpenter in your area or a local shop to build you a ported box. We can even give you the designs. How much is this Diamond sub costing you.

    With a custom box you can do alot. My old JL 15W4 with 300 rms watts is louder than my friends two Alpine Type X 12s with 2000 watts rms coming from two MRD-1005s and he even has another battery in the back.

    You can even EASILY carpet your box by watching these two videos

  8. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

  9. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    I have a JVC head unit. They aren't that bad. I'm really enjoying mine!

    Everyone will tell you here that its all in the box. If you have a a crappy prefab box then no sub in the world will sound good in it but if you have a crappy sub in an awesome box then that's a different story...

    I would suggest that you go around to some local car audio places. I'm sure you can have one custom made and just carpet it yourself like Azn said. I'm know the guys here on the forum would be more than willing to help you out with the design of your box.
  10. adrock131313

    adrock131313 Full Member

    wow thanks for all the help guys . . . this is the box i was looking at buying for about $100, and the subs are diamond d3 for about $85


  11. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    What are the specs of that box?? Looks too small
  12. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    looks like an ebay box, they are good but you have to match the specs.
  13. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    That may not be his now that i look closer...
  14. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    electrolytic is right, the specs of your box has to match that of your sub. If it doesn't then it wouldn't sound good.
  15. adrock131313

    adrock131313 Full Member

    not an ebay box it from audio enhancers, and the specs are close the pic was for a 10". so for $400-$500 sub/s, box, and amp . . . suggestions? and working with a hatchback with limited space
  16. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    what are the thiel small parameters of that sub???
  17. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    without knowing the tuning frequency of that box I can't tell you how it will sound...Crap boxes like that ebay one is still not a quality box IMO

    I don't see anywhere on that site that states that it is an Audio Enhancer's box