Ooooooo Noooooooooooo

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by cronarct, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. cronarct

    cronarct Full Member

    well my bad luck continues ONCE AGAIN, i beleive i got a blown amp, everything is prperly wired and crap like that good ground, good + connection, good remote hook up (to the right wire this time), good RCAs and good speaker wires lol, all fuses are good i checked every single fuse in my car(took forever) and well i tested all the wireing and well my amp is blown and now im for lack of better words ****ED, im thinking of getting my shotgun out and riddling the first thinkg that tickles my fancy full of hole, so any advise on anything else u can possible think of that it can be please let me know
  2. DaveDSMer

    DaveDSMer Full Member

    is it turning on at all? have you tested the power wire at the amp and see if its actually getting power? Same with the remote?
  3. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    yes, the amp won't turn on if there's no voltage on the remote wire.
  4. cronarct

    cronarct Full Member

    ya the amp is dead lol im 100% positive
  5. psycho_maniac

    psycho_maniac Full Member

    now you have something to take apart unless it had a warranty.
  6. cronarct

    cronarct Full Member

    i have no clue how to fix it lol but i did buy a new amp today and well while im adjusting it if i turn up the gain 2 much it goes out lol
  7. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    what size wire are you running to it.also what size alt does your car have?
    too big of an amp with too little of a power wire or alt will cause your amp to shut down.

    i have a friend with a 1600 watt hifonic's amp only running 8gauge wire to it.he too can not turn up the amp without it shutting down.

    the best thing i was told to do. is to get the thickest wire you can affrord for your stereo so you wont have to upgrade in the least 4gauge.

    also double check your amp from the batt(with proper fuseing of course).maybe something came loose some where in between.?

    or....use a multi meter to make sure your amp is getting voltge.unless you already did.

    thats all i could think of.
  8. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    That was happening to me with my bazooka RSA150.2 amp, it was my ground wire wasn't grounded at a good place so the amp wasn't getting enough juice. Also happened to my other bazooka amp but it was a cracked transistor from twisting the amp frame mounting it.
  9. cronarct

    cronarct Full Member

    Okay well now i got everything hooked up and all that (thank god) but i was testing my system to see just how good it was lol, and well i maxed out at 120.9 db or whatever its called, but after i toped it out my inline fuse blew on my + cable, so i replaced that but i still dont have power to the amp after i replaced the fuse, so tomarrow im going to check ALL my fuses on my car and i will probly need a bigger alt. but who knows lol not me, i think i have a 4+ wire it came in the wireing kit but i fergot what it said lol i may just go ahead and upgrade my ground and + wire to the biggest gauge i can get around here, what are some tips that can help me in my current situation???

    anyways msg back soon
  10. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    what brand wiring kit??

    how is your ground??
  11. cronarct

    cronarct Full Member

    its schosche wiring kit and the ground its pretty secure u would have 2 use a 8mm socket to get the ground off lol
  12. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    is it the 5 gauge kit from walmart or what??

    About the it one clean bare paint.

  13. Zelgaddis

    Zelgaddis Full Member

    Why not seat bolts? Looks like Im redoing my ground soon....

    My friend who works at Dukes Car Stero(Local shop) said it was a great place to do the ground....
  14. psycho_maniac

    psycho_maniac Full Member

    I asked the same question and This is a very good answer.