The other side of me....

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by DREAMZmustang, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. DREAMZmustang

    DREAMZmustang Full Member

    well i think its time to tell you guys about the other half of how i live, as most of you know already, im big when it comes to racing, so when im not at the track racing my 7 second mustang im on the streets of NY racing for big bucks...this is were the Pro Street race cars meet the streets of NY, its just a way of life, and i cant help it...ive been busted for street racing 3 times in the past 5 years, im not tryin to encourage people to do it at all, infact i want people to stay away from it, because you can get into serious S#IT doing it, and i cant just walk away from it, its like a drug to me,
    BUT I DO NOT WANT ANYONE DOING THIS, it is illegal and dangerous
    so please just stay away from it, but if your like me you cant just help it...i lost a good friend of mine saturday nite racing, he lost control of his car and wrapped it around a telephone im telling you to stay away from it...because if something happens you wont know what to do and it will change your life still a little shakey about the fact that i lost my best friend saturday nite...and i cant change it, he was addicted to it as i was and there is really nothing you can do about please dont do it...
    R.I.P. Matt- 2/15/87-4/7/07

    below is a couple of clips on just what i mean, youll see me in a few of them
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2007
  2. DREAMZmustang

    DREAMZmustang Full Member

    the blue mustang at the end of the third one was me an at 2.01 the guy with the black shirt and brown hair with the arms crossed is me
  3. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Sorry for your loss is never an easy time in ones life when a loss such as this happens.....Remember that the pain will go away, but the great memories will always exist.
  4. Throttletune

    Throttletune Full Member

    Very sorry to hear Dreamz.
  5. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    yeah man sorry.
  6. DREAMZmustang

    DREAMZmustang Full Member

    Thank you, but like i said please just stay away from it, i got into this habit from my father, he would always take me out at nite were people hung out and raced, and i loved goin to them to see the races, so its pretty much my fathers fault why i do it, but its the same with him...when i saw him crash i ran down the road as soon as i could but, it was too late, i pulled him out that car dead, i broke out in tears...i couldnt figure out wtf just happened...Matt had left behind a great number of people, including his girl friend, his parents, his 2 brothers and his sister and that kid that grew up with, so when i go to his funeral tommorrow i will explain to the best of my knowledge about him and not to street race, then from there i will go to court and go on trial, because me and a couple of others stayed behind for the police and ambulance to show up, so just spread the word, DO NOT STREET RACE, it is very dangerous and illegal, it will fuk your life up...
    he is gone but not forgotten, and im sure some of you can relate
  7. DaveDSMer

    DaveDSMer Full Member

    so does this mean you are done street racing now? I have always discouraged any form of street racing.. because of this sort of thing. Always keep it on the track if you are going to race.
  8. pontiac_fiero_g

    pontiac_fiero_g Full Member

    you and matt will be in my thoughts and prayers i have been there and just know you have our support.
  9. DREAMZmustang

    DREAMZmustang Full Member

    Dave this could be the last time, ive been thinking of quitting everything and start off fresh, but if i plead guilty in court tommorow, i go to jail for 6 months, and i thank you all for your support, and please dont encourage street racing at all, please
  10. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Sorry to hear that Dreamz, it's a dangerous sport, **** will happen. Not to mention the cops and insurance rates. Hope you do well.
  11. DaveDSMer

    DaveDSMer Full Member

    well Dream, in a situation like this.. perhaps this is the chance you needed to rid yourself of this addiction. In my opinion, your best course of action would be to just tell the judge exactly what happened.. how you feel about it.. and what you have learned from this. Perhaps the judge will be able to reduce a sentence seeing as you are quite changed from the experience. Although, you may have to spend some time in jail. You can get out early for good behavior and such. Plus it would give you time to really think things over about what you really want to do. Although it is sad that your friend had to die.. maybe he did so you wouldn't have to.

    On a side note, people that really love races and such. Just go to the strip. The drag strip is a great place to watch and participate in races if you enjoy that sort of thing. There is no reason at all to street race. Every strip has tuning nights when you can take your car, truck, motorcycle, 4 -wheeler, motorhome, whatever you want out there and drag it. You can even drag against friends. Want to drag for cash? sure do it at the track and exchange the money after the race. Plus there is a sure winner with no dispute over who finished first of if someone jumped the line I mean come on. IF there is no strip near you and you are so into racing that you have to race.. move to a place where there is one. Since it's seem to be such a big part of your life perhaps its best just to be as close to one as you can so you can go there every night if you want. Street racing doesn't just kill the racers.. it kills the spectators.. and it kills the uninvolved driver going home from work only the be T-boned by a street racer. Street racing is just as irresponsable as drunk driving but even worse because you are making the willing choice to do so without any influence from alcohol.

    We have all made mistakes.. we all have our issues. We just need to learn from them. Understand them. With that knowledge you can become a most stronger individual. It is our own fault we make these choices but we can be better people by learning and moving on. I have made mine.. I can only blame myself for them.. but I moved on.. and won't make those same mistakes again. There are even times when it is no ones fault.. no one to blame.. but it all happens for a reason. Figure out what the reason is and you are in better shape than most.
  12. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Dreamz, dave is right again. I'm very sorry for your loss and you and Matt will be in my prayers. Its just very sad that your best friend had to die at such a young age, god does have his reasons for everything and in my opinion it's a wake up call for you and your other street racing friends to finally stop. Nothing else would have never made you even think to quit street racing. I do know how hard it is to lose a good friend but you will get over it in time. Just don't let Matts death be in vein, just quit the illegal street racing and stick to the track in the future. I know that if matt could say anything to you now, thats what he would probably say.
  13. psycho_maniac

    psycho_maniac Full Member

    I don't think you should quit the track but I agree you shouldn't street race. The track is the best place to race.
  14. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Dreams...sorry to hear.

    losing family and friends do suck...I love my grandpa last November. I thought the pain wouldn't go away but after some time...I'm fine with it now.
  15. sleeper SRT4

    sleeper SRT4 Full Member

    it was the worst night ever, i told him this day would come...the funeral is today at 12, so im gettin ready to go...Matt was a good kid, smart as hell lets just make this a lesson to all of you, when you street race, the consiquences will be met, a good kid like Matt didnt deserve to die, he never got into any trouble as for Randall aka Dreamz he was always doing stupid stuff growing up and getting into trouble, but that night at the accident and thru the rest of the week now, he wouldnt even put gas in the car or work on his Fiances car because it wouldnt start he sat on the couch all week, ive never seen him like this, he hasnt said a word, hasnt talked at all since that nite, now after his funeral today he will go to court and on trial he will be
  16. sleeper SRT4

    sleeper SRT4 Full Member

    well i just got back from the court house and funeral, Randall made a really good and long speech, and then from there we went to the court house and he went on trial and pleaded guilty but wasnt a bad sentence, he gets 8 weeks of jail and after he is out he has to do 30 hours of community service, the sentence was so lite because they felt sorry, told the truth and didnt run the night of the accident, so..
  17. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    One of lifes lessons is happening tohim right now. Tell Dreamz that I Know he feels like he is being kicked when he is down, but truth be told, this will make him a stronger and better person in the long run.

    8 weeks aint too long. Tell him to hang in there and play the game. He will be out of that place before he knows it. It wont be easy for him, but Dreamz will tuff it out I am sure.

    Let him know that we are all looking forward to hearing from him again soon!!!!
  18. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    hell my cousin was in the house for a year
  19. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Tell Dreamz to take good care. 8 weeks is a hell of a lot better than 6 months, hopefully it will give him the time he needs to pull through how he's feeling right now.
  20. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    give him my best.hopefuly he's not in with the real dangerous guys