Ok I need your Feedback for a new feature of this site

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Aug 12, 2002.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Reviews section

    I am writing a new Review Script, it will be more basic than what I had orginally planed but still better than the current one

    Here is what I am thinking

    You will have the Following Feilds to Fill out when adding a Review

    Product Name
    Products Model #
    URL for products (manufactures Site)
    Image (proablly a Link to the Manufactures site image

    Then I can add in addtion feild my Price and a link to buy it at my site...

    one the Item is added then each new Review will then be posted under it and that person will just have to fill out the Score and Comments feilds

    Sound Good?

    This will alow for a Better and more indepth Information of the Products being Reviewed
  2. slammin86

    slammin86 New Member

    sounds good to me:)
  3. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Sounds cool. Is it like sounddomain where if your looking at the product there is a link for the reveiws of that product? I really like that feature, it makes me more comfortable buying the product if I have read a few opionions on it.;)
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    my sales site already has that...

    I am talking about the new CAT site I previed to you guys awhile back, but put on hold because I felt I nered a good reveiw system before I changed over, I could not find a good on alredy written so I am writting my own, thus the delay

    but if you have not checkked out tyhe review system on my site please do, and if you bought a item I carry feel free to add that review there too.....
  5. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    not tryna brag, or say i did it....but i recommended that they make a script which allows a link from the product to user reviews of the product, a month or so later, it's there... bastards never said thank you :wtf:


    i had another cool idea for em but i forget what it was
  6. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    :rolleyes: Ill have to take a look...:D