Questions for Dan about the revolution 1500...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Slump_Da_Hustla, Aug 11, 2002.

  1. Slump_Da_Hustla

    Slump_Da_Hustla Full Member

    I would have posted this in the Adire forum at ampman but I forgot my password:confused: Does it have a subsonic filter? Alsois it strappable, and how come it's not on the Adire site? Did you help design it? Is it good? If so how good is it?:)
  2. slammin86

    slammin86 New Member

    well, i can help answer one of your questions...the amps are not strappable.....i emailed dan askin about this
  3. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    well i'll try to answer all of these...

    subsonic, yes...
    strappable, no...
    not on adire site, dunno
    kirk said it was mainly an ampman project so perhaps that's why...maybe they have a deal to whereas only ampman can sell it? well ampman and ............. <--- bwahahha who knows?

    now here's the real question....kirk said the next ampman/adire project is mainly dan's working...

    so what is it?
  4. DanWiggins

    DanWiggins Full Member

    Hi all,

    It is primarily an Ampman product - we consulted on it, but it's pretty much for Ampman only. And it is accurately rated - measured output is what is rated (not under or over rated). It's not strappable.

    The next project is back more in the speaker world...;)

    Dan Wiggins
    Adire Audio
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Do tell, Dan
  6. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    damnit, i hate how y'all in the industry tease us like that :wtf:

    :fucku: j/k

  7. DanWiggins

    DanWiggins Full Member

    Hey, we gotta do something to match those subs, right?

    Dan Wiggins
    Adire Audio
  8. syntekz

    syntekz Full Member

    Yeah I definately want to hear what you come up with for a component set.
  9. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Dan, I was going to step up and get some AD comps, but if you're doing something on that front, I'd love to hear about it. Specs, prices, power handleing, matreials, mounting depth, et al. Please, either fill me in here or E-mail me with some input. I may just wait and see what you come up with.

  10. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    is that what it is? i thought that that was just going to be a regular project? should i hold off on my component set purchasing dan? at least give us some base numbers, including price... :)
  11. DanWiggins

    DanWiggins Full Member

    It is components (we've leaked this over at the TeamAMP forum as well). It is a 6.5" woofer/1" tweeter combo with a passive crossover. Custom drivers, optimized for car audio use (and off-axis placement, like low in doors for example). No price set yet, but we are targeting under $400 for a pair. And hoping to have them available before the end of September.

    Dan Wiggins
    Adire Audio
  12. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    ok. so let's say that i can get cdt hd comps with the dt or dtm tweets for a good price (less than 4), and jbl gti comps for even less than that....why should i not purchase them and go with y'alls? :D

    and of course, if i'd be better off with one of those sets...i'd expect you to tell me that as well ;)

    if you'd rather not put anything on the board (even recommendation) you can reach me at and anything will be between us two
  13. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member


    Any XBL2 technology here?
    Regardless, would it be applicable in a higher frequency driver (any advantages/disadvantages?)?

    Anything special about either tweeter or woofer?

    Personally, you know I absolutely love my JL XR's...
    Goals - compared to the XR's sound quality, where are you shooting? Higher, lower? Seem to be right in the price range! ;)

    Dan, actually what might answer that question better...
    Can you give your opinion about how you think the JL XR's sound?

  14. JohnnyD

    JohnnyD Full Member

    i have this feeling they'll end up in my car ...
  15. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Dan, lets talk about these thing some, can we?
  16. DanWiggins

    DanWiggins Full Member

    Geolemon posted:
    No XBL2; it is applicable, but I was able to get all the performance I wanted with a standard solution. We might look at XBL2 in later versions, but for now...

    Special? The woofer +/- 1 dB from 100 Hz to 5 kHz for the woofer (unsmoothed; it really is that flat). 7.2mm of real linear Xmax. Low Qes (0.3) so it works great in a ~6-7 liter vented box, tuned to 65 Hz (HIGH midbass output levels).

    The tweeter is a two-layer ring dome. Polyamide base, vapor deposited aluminum. Off-axis response is extremely smooth, with no real loss up to 16 kHz or so.

    The overall combination uses a custom XO network optimized for off-axis response (30 degrees off-axis; typical for in-car installs). Response in-car is around +/- 3 dB from 100 Hz up to 20 kHz.

    SQ is high - I'm shooting for what I get out of our home speakers, but in an automotive environment. Good driver design and proper XO design are what do it.

    Sandt38 posted:

    What do you want to know? :)

    Dan Wiggins
    Adire Audio
  17. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Is it only going to be offered in a 6.5 application? I need a 5.25 application. Also, What about mounting depth? I'm hoping for an infinate baffle, or small sealed install as well, but it isn't looking good for that, huh? Sorry, but that reply to Geo just took alot of wind out of my sails. I would love to be surrounded by Adire, but, sadly it seems I may have to stick with Cadence or the ADs if I like them...:( :( :(
  18. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I like the sounds of a woofer with great midbass that is flat that far!

    In a door, how do you think they would fare in the sub-100Hz range (say, to 70Hz.. not toooo much farther down!)? I mean, they sound like they have excursion that says "I think I can I think I can...!" :D

    The fact that you mentioned a vented application...
    Are you picturing something like a ported door application (how would you really get it to seal), or a vented kickpanel location (how would you make them large enough to reach 6 or 7 liters?)
    What are you envisioning... I am intrigued!
    Like I said, I love my JL's primarily because of the tweeter...
    Which is aluminum also...
    Slightly softer than most titaniums that I have heard, although JL's tweet has some sort of rubber surround, rubber "damping ring"... I imagine that helps too.

    But I am intrigued, aluminum dome...

    What goes into tweeter work, how is a great tweeter developed, if you don't mind?
    Subwoofers are all about brute force...
    Tweeters are the inverse, all about detail and accuracy!

    Damn, those are some lofty goals...
    Didn't anyone ever tell you what a horrible place to make great sound a car interior is? :D

    Seriously - one reason that I am not really into home audio too extremely is because I love the pure challange of extracting good sound from a car... I always considered the home a little "too easy" for my tastes... after all, if you don't have the sound dialled in at home, you can move and aim your speakers... a luxury not afforded to you in a car, without some huge effort! :D
    I love that though... really forces you to "do it right the first time", plan carefully, etc...

    I am extremely intrigued that you mention it's off axis capabilities as a designed-strength!

    I don't know if you have seen pictures of my front stage, but I ditched my kickpanels long ago in an effort to see what I could do with my door and upper door tweeter locations (both stock!)
    I autocross the Civic, so craziness like my truck line-array isn't possible... the kicks were too in-the-way for me...

    My JL's are fantastic there.. but...
    everyone who has auditioned the car, I point out the weakess...

    Tweeter imaging is rock solid...
    Midrange imaging... well, I have a small void in the center...
    Aiming the mids would help me...
    Having mids that work better off-axis, possibly similar effect?

    I can only manage about a 1" tilt upwards aiming my mids, after all...

    I am intrigued...

    OH YES!

    Is there any presale special?
    Please let me know if you are!
    I might consider getting a pair to check out, if I could get them on special... otherwise, I hate buying without hearing! :(
  19. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I think you are wondering the same thing as me...
    What is he envisioning, with the in-car ported midbass mention?

    How well would they do, in a standard door application, like mine...
    Or the standard sealed small kick or door-panel type install, etc..

    I am indeed wondering the same thing as you...

    But Dan's mention of the excursion capabilities, that doesn't sound like a speaker that will be dependent on a port! Seriously...
    Don't give up hope yet! ;)
  20. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Exactly. I see the excursion, but my feeling is, IB will just not work.