FS here is a dual 12" TCAB with Red Flared vent - made for 2 type R 12's. It will fit and work well in most SUV's. It was built for a smaller SUV/hatchback. It includes 12ga wire. Those interested, please email me for more info. This box was recently traded in, and has been brought back to brand new spec, essentially has been cleaned (lol). Asking Price is $145 + shipping. I will drop it off within a 2.5 hour radius of chicago for $35. Thx for looking! Plz note, this is a used box, not brand new!
lol damn...questioning about positioning of that box. do the subs fire to the side and the port fire back or subs back and side fire port??
This box will work best subs side port back. Depending on the sound desired, and the vehicle placed in, sub forward port side may also work well.
I have a 98 Explorer...I was thinking about building a rectangular box along the passenger side with the sub firing to the drivers side and port firing back. Would this work well??