Ok here's what I have: PG octane 6.5 ZR component set 2 10" Depth Charge subs in a sealed box RF Punch 4002 amp (rated at 550 RMS on birth sheet) What I'd like to know is, would it be worthwhile to add some PG 5.25 midrange coaxials (and maybe disconnect the tweeter in them or run them lowpass on the X-over) or some 5.25 components minus the tweeter, since I've already got those with the 6.5 set, since the 6.5's are really more for midbass? I have a Depth charge DC-200 (200 RMS) 2-channel I was gonna use for the component set, but I was thinking of maybe a Power Acoustic 4-channel 400 watt RMS 4-channel if added got some 5.25's. Keep in mind none of this is installed at the present time, I'm still trying to get the system together and get decided before I put it all in. I have more odds and ends to pick up too such as a stinger dist block and a JL grounding lug that type of thing. I guess this would be a 4-way system as opposed to the 3-way I've got going now which I saw Viking mention was a PITA to tune...and I've heard this elsewhere too. But won't my system be lacking actual mids if I don't get the mid speakers? Or will the 6.5's suffice on mids not just the midbass? -Thanks dudes
the 6.5's will do both mid-bass and mids.use them first.if you want more mids then add those speakers you mentioned. what kind of car are these going into?
A Mazda MX-3. So it's a small car...I won't be using the stock rear speaker locations because it's better without them according to people on MX-3.com, the general consensus is they are in a bad place and won't do any good back there and more than likely do more harm than good for the overall sound. So I'd put them in the doors I think, along with the component set.
ok.a lot of good systems use a 2way set up like you plan on getting. i have sort of a 3way because i can use my dash and doors.(i run a 6.5 in the door and a 4in and tweet in the dash)if you must have that mid bass try looking for a kick panel .that way you can have a dedicated mid bass and a mid range and tweet.
Well if the 6.5 can cover the mids alright I guess I won't complicate things, it was just a thought. Anyway about amps...I've got the old Depth Charge that went with my subs, it puts out 50 times 2 @ 4 ohms. The PG components take 70 RMS a piece. Should I still get a little stronger amp for them since that's 40 watts not being taken advantage of on the PG set and I don't want to have to max out the gain on the Depth Charge (which is never advisable)? Make sense? In other words an amp that'll match the speakers better without having to crank it all the way?
that old amp will do fine.50x2 will do. my old PG is rated at 40x4 and my speakers can handle 3 time as much and they sound fine.they get plenty loud.
Alright then. One more thing, why is it everbody raves about the PG amps but slag on the speakers? I heard they were pretty good so I got a pair now I've been seeing a lot more opinions of the components sounding "thin", "weak" or otherwise not that great. Wouldn't be so bad but I already bought some . Everybody seems to always recommend MB Quart, Boston Acoustics and Eclipse a lot...sure they cost somewhat more, but do they really put these PG ZR Octanes to shame that bad?