i have a sony cdx-gt200 and currently plugged into the aux line is a Sirius Stratus and the left speakers are cut out. when i hold the cord up it will work.this just started happening and the plug is really loose. is there something i can do? any help will be great, thanx!
i believe that it is just like a head phone jack. here is a picture. http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f94/sabian404/picture105.jpg
well I am not EXACTLY sure how to fix it but this is what I would do if it were me. Grab a portable cd player or mp3 player and a set of headphones. Ok now unplug your Sirius from the Sony deck. Now plug the headphones into the sony deck and see if they connect fine without being loose. Then, plug that Sirius module into the Mp3 / CD player and see if that connection is at all loose. If both connect fine then do this.. go to radio shack or you can order online a simple mini jack female to male connector. Then you can use that to go in-line between the Sony Deck and Sirius module so there is a secure connection. Just sounds like the Sirius connector and the Sony Deck are not making a good connection.. a mini jack adapter could be a simple way to fix that.
well its the same cable i use for my ipod as well so its the input that is really loose, its been like that since i got it but has just recently been giving me problems.
Solder connections on the PC board are cracked (thats what you seem to be describing). If thats the case its an easy fix if you don't mind taking the radio apart and you own a soldering iron. Basically you just resolder those connections. The hardest part will be getting to the bottom of the board.
yeah i agree with ranger.my xm roady did the same thing only in the roady itself.had to have a buddy resolder it.