This Sucks

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by akofny, Jul 30, 2002.

  1. akofny

    akofny New Member

    Brahma installation with Cadence A7HC went fine guys insisted on me having a capacitor so i got one a phoenix gold 1 faraday. So install was at Best Buy come back and they say man your amp is taking too much power. Im like #@$@. Thats been my only problem for 2 months and it seems there is no way around it. I thought A7 was leader in efficiency. Now i fear I lose gas mileage, battery and alternator in 1 month hehe. No but seriously I have to still keep at slightly loud levels and at times can get near high but want a functionable car. Dont know how ryno does this since I have a RSX and should have a larger alternator. Very BITTERWEET. Sub is great too bad it barely moves still gives great bass. Someone help me here!
  2. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    get a multimeter and see what the voltage at the amp is
    how far it dips

    take the cap out of the equation and try again

    the a7hc is an efficient amp, you shouldnt be having THAT much problems

    i would also suggest upgrading your battery/alternator wires to at least 4 guage
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    ILLCOMM Full Member

    i wish people could be just a bit more coherent...maybe a period here or there???
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    You also need to make sure you Chargiung system is working right, even the most efficaint amp in the world will not be good on a bad alt or bat
  6. FaintReality

    FaintReality Full Member

    I am also having problems in my 02 RSX-S. I had just one JL 250/1 amp installed and my headlights were slightly dimming.

    I just ordered the Revolution D1500.1 amp and have 2 JL 300/2's I will be installing once I decide on the Brahma or W7. I currently have an Optima yellow top under the hood. I am still looking for a bigger altenator but so far I have had no luck finding one that fits. When I start the install, I will also be upgrading the grounds under the hood. Hopefully a bigger alt. and upgraded grounds will solve our problems.

    As of right now, the type-s has about 38 amps left over from the stock alt., and the base has about 36 amps.
  7. JohnBlayz142

    JohnBlayz142 Full Member

    JL amps are quite inefficient IMO, as I am running a 500/1 in my Integra right now.
  8. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I suggest trying to update the grounds to the block, subframe and body. Also, use a better charge wire. On the back of your alt is a lug and nut assy with 1 fairly fat wire going to it. install a second wire from this lug to the battery.

    I like to say wire is like a straw and current is like an Icee. Now, try to use a cofee stirrer to suck up the Icee. Hmmm. Now get a fatter straw (like those big red ones that you can get with an Icee) and suck with the same amount of suction.

    If you restrict the primary charge wire from the alt to the Battery, you are limiting the charge getting to the battery. That is your backup power supply. cut it off and current problems will occur. Try these simple steps to clean up the dimming and keep us informed.
  9. FaintReality

    FaintReality Full Member

    I just pre ordered the Revolution D1500.1 amp for the 12 Brahma or 12W7, still undecide. Once i get it i will start the wiring. I planned to upgrade all the wires under the hood. It usually make a bid difference, especially in imports.

  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    While the 13W7 can give it a serious run for the money, the 12W7 can't touch it.
  11. FaintReality

    FaintReality Full Member

    I planned on getting the 12" Brahma but am kinda waiting to see the results of this lead slap issue. I have seen it come up quite a bit lately and since I am going for SQ, that is a big concern for me.

  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    your Biasied though

    I am worryed about the Number of Defects I keep seeing in various places online
  13. FaintReality

    FaintReality Full Member

    Same here:( The only problems I hear about the W7 is the price, but hey, I got $$$$$$$$$ flow so thats no biggie;)
  14. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    No, I try not to be biased mike. I did say the 13 gave the Brahma a serious run for it's money. I just feel the 12 in a ported app just sucks and even sealed it sounded muddy, sloppy, and labored.

    The 13 got lower than the Brahma. The 13 seemed to lag a little on some of the more difficult kickdrum tracks the Brahma keeps up with, however it was so slight as to be unnoticeable by most listeners. I think that we need to take into account that the driver is moving more surface area than the Brahma 12 and if we take that into account, that is impressive. I really feel the 13W7 is a fantastic driver, yes, one of the best. However, I think when you compare the pricetag and enclosure size to that of the Brahma, I favor the Brahma more.

    The 12s just didn't impress me. I feel I would rather invest in 2 Shivas or 2 Perfects than the 12s I heard. If they were $200 or so, I feel they may be worth the money, but at that price I would get the 12W6V2.

    I like JLs product line, and I like the Adire line as well. You don't like Adire at all, and I think for that reason, my opinion is less biased than yours...;)

    Onto the failures you speak about...

    I feel there are some defects in the driver, sure, but that's to be expected. I really think a large part of the failures lie in installer error. I got involved in a discussion after I had seen enough of the trashing of the Brahma's by someone who obviously installed the driver incorrectly. I will post a couple clips here...

    Some of this may sound familliar, but I assure you it goes more in depth, and also places another issue in the open as well...

    now, sonic bliss added a really good point here...

    So I wonder, really... Is it defective product or installer error?

    I'm quite sure some of the drivers do have a manufacturing defect, but I'm also sure most are installation errors. When you actually hold this driver in your hand, you can tell it is rock solid, very well built. This thread I got involved in was started by someone who's tinsel leads "fell off". Huh? these leads are plenty long enough to travel BEYOND mechanical limits. I'm sure the former would hit the top plate or the surround would tear in 2 before the tinsels would reach a breaking point. I think the reason they "fell off" is the speaker wire from the amp to the sub, by the installer mind you, was too small to accomodate the power, melting the leads. When you restrict the flow of electricity with too small a wire this happens.

    Make sense?
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    ok if a defect dont get you a backorder will

    it seems like moswt of the adire subs spend more time on back order than they do shipping

    or is that a false impression I am getting from my customers?
  16. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    No, that is correct. That is my only problem with Adire, the backorder. I do agree that this is an issue. I think the subs are so wildly popular that they are having a hard time keeping up. From what Dan says, the backorder dates are shrinking, and he hopes the issue will become a non-issue in the near future. We do need to realise it is his job to make us feel at ease about things like this also,however and I hope that they are able to catch up. I really do feel if the backorder issue were resolved Adire would have a stronger following. I know how hard it is to wait for a sub that you order, hoping to get it quickly. I ordered my Z7000 and Shivas at the same time. I had the Z 2 months before the Shivas. It really is difficult to have equipment sitting around waiting to be installed. Fortunately, the Brahma backorder (although maddening to me, as all of us here know;)) wasn't as difficult on me, because the Shivas were so nice.

    With all that being said, however, I do have to admit, the Brahma and the Shivas were well worth the wait. I guess it all boils down to... are you in a rush, or do you want it right?
  17. PointSource

    PointSource Guest

    The back order is definitely worth the wait for the Adire Audio subwoofers.

    They are truly amazing.
  18. MJE

    MJE Full Member

    "are you in a rush, or do you want it right?"

    how would buying an adire product mean someone is doing a system right??? adire is great dont get me wrong...but once again heres another forum like CAF (if you dont own adire you suck)

    i suck bad i dont own adire
  19. MJE

    MJE Full Member

    like i was saying...the brahma, the shivas, the tempest are all wonderful drivers, but you push constantly that buying a brahma is the only way to go. not everyone has 400 bucks for a sub, not everyone has an upgraded electrical system...and not everyone can get their hands on an adire product....thats all you ever recommend...someone says SQ woofers you say brahmas, someone says small sq you say shivas, theres so many others out there...i know dan is a great guy, the customer service is great...but a quick stuffing of a biased opinion into someones face isnt great. never once have i heard you suggest anything besides adire and cadence...and i mean nothing. someone says i have a HCCA, you say Brahma.

    mike you gotta see this, i know you have to be getting tired of reading adire posts everywhere
  20. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    If I see awesome SQ, I think Brahma, 13W7, Elon. Why reccomend the Brahma over the others? Cost, enclosure size, efficiency. Of the Supersubs, no others can compare in overall value.

    If you've never seen me post anything but Adire, it's because all you ever look at are "Brahma sucks" posts. Quite often I reccomend JL, Perfects, Image Dynamics, and DD just to name a few. Read more of what I say before you insinuate that "if you don't own Adire, you suck". What we are looking for is what sounds good to ME, the individuall purchaseing the equipment. If you are happy with something else, how can one say you suck? I don't imply that someone sucks because they own something else. I am objective, and try to remain unbiased, however I will also say what I feel. All in all, performance/cost ratio of the Adire line far surpasses any other line.

    Cadence represents the best value in amps as well. They are feature rich, reliable, powerful, inexpensive and IMHO quite attractive as well. While there are better out there, Cadence tops my list for these reasons. I've seen several who have bought JBLs and been disapointed. If I see someone can get alot more from a unit with a small differance in price, I WILL mention it.