They are real people, all real!

Discussion in 'Pictures and funny Stuff.' started by Civic96, Jun 14, 2002.

  1. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member


    Look at "her" left breast and tell me that is not natural. Im convinced
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    how does that post prove anything??????

    they can do Implants now in differant ways some of which leave almost no visible marks, and she has enough money to get the best
  3. slovanova

    slovanova Full Member

    I just got here, but it seems that you like britney spears. :D
  4. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    yes civic

    and sandt love
  5. slovanova

    slovanova Full Member

    See, I'm already learning. :)
  6. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    michael p & I lean more towards cristina aguilera:hitit:
  7. slovanova

    slovanova Full Member

    I am with you stacy532 about cristina aguilera.
  8. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    see I knew it you have

    taste over hormones!lol:p
  9. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    They are both very hot but since I started the Britney trend here I will keep
  10. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    well here is where I step in and start the jessica simpson trend, no one ever mentions her

  11. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Im jumping on your boat bigsexxy!
    She is drop dead gorgeous
  12. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    I knew you would see it my way, who wouldnt, I have to go now :whackit: be right back hahahahaha
  13. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    She looks remarkably like Brittney!!!

    I likes...

    Besides fellas, I'm a J-lo man...

  14. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I'm definitely more on the Britney Spears train...

    Britney may be smokin hot BUT she looks down to earth, friendly, smiling, nice....

    THAT'S hot...

    Not a bitchy, wannabe alternative-looking, stick up the ass (but otherwise attractive) christina Aguilara...
    Not a "don't mind my big ass and saggy boobs that don't keep up with it (and pretty average looking regardless of celebrity) Jennifer Lopes (Oh, I am sorry.. we are too good for that now are we, Miss J-Lo?:rolleyes: )

    Sorry, I will take nice over bitchy "diva" anyday..
    And it is a bonus that Britney I still think is hotter than both...

    Yummy yummy look at that tummy...
    (and look at that Simpson girl's tummy too! Man...):p
  15. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    If it were between Britney and Christina, I would go with Micheal on this one. Christina is a lot better than Britney. Britney is just down-right ugly, IMO.

    I don't find any of the women I've seen posted here that attractive. I HATE make-up. It just looks so fake and nasty.

    The best looking woman I've seen is my Teresa (my lady, soon to be wife); she wears no make-up.

    Britney, Christina, J-lo, Jessica all yuck; in my opinion, of course. Maybe I'm just weird or something?
  16. bates

    bates Full Member

    Maybe shes standing next to you when you wrote that...
  17. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    hehe, no.

    I just don't like the kiddy look today's artists have. Britney just looks like a 12 year old. Only in my opinion, of course.
  18. bates

    bates Full Member

    those are huge tits for a 12 year old!!!

    and mike man that was freaky! how can they do that? big, small, big small...:confused: :wtf: :confused:
  19. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Mike I love you(not in a gay way)!
    Just for that I will buy all subs,amp, and box from you!;)
    OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG..........How did you find this?
    :jawdrop: <--------------me watching it!
    :drool: <--------------also me watching it
    :thumb: <----that one goes out to Mike!

    :flag: God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!