Man this looks familiar

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by germanyt, Dec 4, 2006.

  1. germanyt

    germanyt Full Member

    I can't help but notice how much this form looks exactly like Anyway, I'm here to rule the roost biatches. Currently running 2 RE SX 15s of @ eD NINe.1s strapped @ 2 ohm in 8 cubes at 32 Hz. One Optima Yellow top in the trunk, a Red Top under the hood, a DB electrical 200 amp H/O alt. All in a 99 Grand Prix. Just bought a brand new Trailblazer that will be getting 2 more NINe.1s for a total of 6000 watts RMS on the substage, 2 NINe.2Xs for 800 RMS on the mid and highs. 2/0 awg all around. 5 total batteries and 2 fully loaded Fi BTL 15s in 8 cubes @ 35 Hz CRX style.
  2. DaveDSMer

    DaveDSMer Full Member

    and it still sounds like crap... lol...

    anyways, welcome to the forums. Sounds like you know what you are doing so maybe you can share your vast bank account.. ahem.. i mean knowledge with some of the less fortunate.

    :) welcome!
  3. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Welcome to the forum.

    And barging in here like you are and saying that you're here to rule the roost?? haha ok. This is a place to learn and share info. Also sucks anyways lol jk

    Also there are many sites that have this same format...not just and

    Here...Viking and Caddy "rule the roost" as they are our mods
  4. germanyt

    germanyt Full Member

    I do not in any way intend to barge in. I just hope that some people can keep an open mind and do their best to research before they buy. Instead of buying what Circuit City and Best Buy tells them what they need. There are better out there for less money than most people realize and I feel it's time for me to break from my usual forums and impart some knowledge (or bank account. lol) to others. And FYI, some 500 systems sound better and get louder than some 5000 dollar systems. It's 80% install, 20% equipment.