humming noise from speakers... help please

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by evan66, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. evan66

    evan66 Full Member

    ok i hooked up my amp to my speakers and when the motor is turned on i get an annoying humming noise out of the speaker, it doesent do this when the motor is not on... thought it was just the ground at first so i relocated it and made sure it was right. turned the truck on and still have the humming noise. my dad says i should run the ground from the head unit back to the same ground as the amp, i dont know thou... any ideas?
  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    your dad is correct a ground wire form the decks ground and ground it at the sme point as the amp. 18 gauge wire would be sufficent. It may work, not always, but is a good first step in eliminating the noise.

    A few things to check here also....

    if you unlug the rca's at the radio does the noise go away?
    If you unplug the antena, does the noise go away?
    does the noise raise in pitch as you speed up the motor?
    these are a few things that indicate a gound loop....and the grounding of the deck at the amps lcation may well solve it.

    Sometimes it takes more work, but hopefully this works...

    Let us know what you find!!!

    BTW, welcome to the site!!!!!!!!!
  3. evan66

    evan66 Full Member

    thanks for the help. if that doesent work what should my next step be?
  4. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Engine noise can be caused by a few things.

    If the ground wire does not work, try the things i mentioned above. If you disconnect the rca from the deck, and the noise goes away, it may be an issue with the deck picking up radiated noise... if you disconnect the rca from the amp, and STILL have noise, the power wire may be run next to a noisy factory power lead or ignition source. There are alot of ways for noise to get into a system, try thegrounding method as stated above, it solves ALOT of noise issues alot of back here after that and let us know what happens
  5. evan66

    evan66 Full Member

    ok i just ran my ground from the head unit back to the same ground as my amp... and i still get the humming. my power and rcas are about 5 feet apart so i dont think that the problem. the humming does go up in pitch when i rev the engine and when i turn the a/c on. i have a fuse block that i got from radio shack could that be causeing the humming. i had the same amp in my truck before with no problems and decided to upgrade my wireing i got 4 guage wire from homedepot for the power back to the fuse block, out of the fuse block i have 8 guage wire going to my amp. what should my next step be to try and fix this problem? thanks,
  6. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Next step, does the noise go away when you disconnect the rca's from the radio?

    I am betting it does. If not try disconnecting the antena leas and see what happens......

    Let us know!
  7. evan66

    evan66 Full Member

    ok this is really starting to frustrate me my rcas are fine the removing the antenna doesent do anything regrounded the ground on my battery... and most of the other grounds in the engine. do you all have any other suggestions. i also took my head unit into were i bought it and they said it was fine and there is a ground loop some were. i dont know what else to do...
  8. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    But doea the noise go away when you disconnect the rca's from the radio??????

    Asking particular questions for a reason.
  9. magnum340

    magnum340 Full Member

    i just baught a ground loop isolater from wallmart, cost me about 15.00. the noise was realy bad, but after the instal of the isolater the noise was gone, it was a great investment
  10. evan66

    evan66 Full Member

    the noise does not go away when i unhook the rcas from the head unit does that mean its my amp? i dont think it can be because hooked up another amp and it does the exact same thing.the ground isolater doesent work
  11. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    hmmmm....tough one.:confused:
  12. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    what is the amp mounted too?i just moved some of my amps around the other day.i mounted my 4 ch directly to the back of the rear seat with self tapping screws.

    i was trying to get it off of the box incase i had to remove the box for a trip.

    anyways after the in stall all was noise. so i went inside and 30 mins later started the truck up and BAM alternator wine.i go to move the seat and it goes away.
    i get to my friends house after driving thru 11 miles of pot holes and road work.was quiet the whole time.

    3 hours later i start the truck....guess what noise.i tap the rear goes never came back even over rough roads.

    so the next day i relocated the amps again.this time zero noise all the time.

    so i guess i had my amp screwed to a ground or ????.

    come to think about it. when i fried the rca outs on my old radio it was when i moved the same seat,and i did have my 4 ch hooked to the plastic tray on the seat back that SUV's have.
  13. evan66

    evan66 Full Member

    i dont think its what its mounted to because its wood. also when i hooked up my other amp to see if it was the amp it wasent mounted to anything. thanks for the help... anyone else??
  14. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    If you unhook the rca's from the radio and you still have noise, It probably is NOT a ground loop, but "induced" noise into the rca's. they may be run next to a high curent or high voltage source....

    IF you unplug the rca's from the AMP. does the noise go away????? Need to do that nest
  15. evan66

    evan66 Full Member

    didnt you say in the noise goes up in pitch when you rev the engine this indicates a ground loop? could it be a ground somewere in my engine compartment that is messing it up. i dont think i have a problem with the rca i will check on that thou... i have taken it to my friend that is an installer at tweeter, he only looked at it for bout five minutes but he couldnt figure it out either. i really apreciate all the help you all are giving me.
  16. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Well, your welcome!

    But you need to go outside to your car, unplug the rca's from your amp, start the car, and see if the noise is still there!!!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!! LOL!!!

    This is a process of elimination.......Over the internet, it takes time...