Weed or shit?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by The Belgian, May 8, 2002.

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  1. AnnihilationX

    AnnihilationX New Member

    Some people may be able to use weed responsibly, but I know ppl it completely screws up, people who blow all their money on it and stop doing anything productive, one being in the hospital so often this year trying to quit that he has to retake the school year. Thats why it shouldn't be legalized.
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    MOST people use it resposibally

    So it CAN be pshycally depenandt I was wrong HOWEVER has shwon in the IOM report it is UNCOMMON and NOT sever like people on here has said
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Re: Re: Weed or shit?

    No. Huge diffenance. Trust me. I used to smoke doobs laced with coke and I was a crack addict for almost as long as many here have been alive. BIG differance.

    Josh, I'm sorry, I disagree with you on some of what you say. I started to smoke pot when I was 10. I took acid at 10 and snorted coke at 13. By 15 I was smoking crack daily. I had a $100 a day habit at 15. I smoked pot and crack for years, durring developmental stages. It was never hard for me to quit smoking weed. I suffer little short term memory loss. I also have a near genious IQ. The most difficult thing I have ever done in my life is try to quit smoking cigarettes. I quit crack by myself after several stints of rehab, I did it alone. I quit drinking (sure, I enjoy a good beer buzz myself every now and again still). I quit weed, VERY easily. The one thing I know about shrinks is they are full of shit. How can you say that someone else knows you better than you do? That's bullshit. Professional Psycology is the biggest legal fraud there is. No one can tell you about you. It is all up to you. Stop hiding behind someone elses weaknesses. Psycologists pass their problems off as their patients. I don't mean this as a personal attack, I'm just stating what I've noticed to be true from my own experiances with shrinks. From my own personal experiances in life I want to share something with you. It is all you. Stop blaming your parents. Everything you do in life is your fault or good idea. I spent years blaming my father who left when I was 4 and my mother who worked 2 jobs just to support my sister and I. I made the choices and I fucked up. When I came to that realization I reclaimed my life. It is in you.

    I have eaten hash on many occasions too... Hash is pot, essentially.

    If pot were legal, I would smoke rather than drink beer. The high is far more mellow and does not put you in near as much of a state as alcohol does. Also, pot isn't what caused me to be diagnosed with cirrhosis at the ripe age of 23. Sorry, alcohol is far more dangerous than pot. You're talking to someone who used both in HUGE quantities from the age of 10.

    If it were up to me, pot would be legal. I would ban alcohol and tobacco. Both are far worse than pot. Pot is so sadly misunderstood. It is considered to be so bad for you. The bottom line is the government would not make enough money from taxing weed. It is so cheap and easy to produce they would never be able to controll it's sale and production, unlike alcohol and tobacco.

    With all that being said, it has been years since I smoked pot. I would not smoke it in front of my sons. My youngest son is 4 and he has never even seen me smoke even a cigarette. I smoke outside after he has gone to sleep and I smoke at work. NEVER in the house and NEVER in front of the kids. While I may choose the wrong path for myself, I choose to guide my kids in the right direction. It is up to a parent to raise their children properly.

    I commend those of you who have chosen to stay away from pot. It is illegal. Don't ever be ashamed of doing what is right. I hope my kids grow up with as much conviction, courage and self respect as you.

    Mike, governments were made to protect the common man. While I disagree with much of what the government does, I don't want anarchy.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Re: Re: Re: Weed or shit?

    Yes the goverment is to protect the pubilc but NOT to protect ME from MYSELF that is the differance

    Much like the seat belt laws WHY? if I was to risk my life it is MY CHOICE

    We need laws, and i dont want anarchy either but I also belive the Laws need to stop at my door. What I do in my own home is my business, If I want to smoke a joint after a long day I work that is my business not any one elses correct? Do you dissagree with that?

    This I agree with this 10000000%

    I think me and you agree on this topic 100% we are just saying it in differant ways
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Now, Mike. You're smarter than that. If we got into a wreck and you got maimed because you weren't wearing your seatbelt and that was legal, you could sue the shit out of me. That law is there to protect insurance companies, and other drivers as well as the driver who opts not to wear his belt.

    With this second statement I am torn. I agree, but in knowing how some people treat this responsibility around their kids (as illustrated by josh) gives one pause as to this being such a good idea. How many cig smokers do you know who go to the lengths that I do to protect their children from this terrible habit?
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    See your first statement is the Reason I want a total revamping of the justice system

    There is NO REASON I should be allow to sue YOU fo MY stupidity, just like the MC-D case where the bitch spilled coffe on her self and sued them. That is total BS

    And another case where a numbnuts was breaking in to a house and fell through the roof and hurt him self and sued them:wtf:

    this is all total BS

    There is not justice in the justice system anymore, it has become so corrupt and political and arachy will be the end result, not in my life time but it will happen at the rate things are going now.

    There alway need to be cluase for those people that can not protect themselevs like childeren, disabled people, ect. but for the most part and most parents are responsible,

    But in the way things are today (although it is change slowy) cigarettes are still not considered a "hard" drug by the general pubilic my weed is. while the facts are differant the propaganda and mis-information set forth by our wonderful all knowing goverment has made weed percevied to be far worse than it truely is. so people take more precuations with childeren and weed than they do with cigs.

    What is boils down to is this

    Do you want a goverment that

    A Controls everything about your life

    B Hold the few irresposible fools accountable for thier actions

    I pefer B

    We need to do way with allot ofm the stupid laws
    and enforce the ones we have now

    the reason crime rates are up, violance is up is there is little to know punshiment in the justice system

    Fi you make people accountable then they will think twice before doing a crime, but you also cant make everything illegal

    this is not just a weed issue, there has to be govermental and judical reform, we are not on a good path
  7. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    i really fucking hate that stupid ass natural argument....guess what....heroin is natural too, so is coke so is opium
  8. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    so, im confused....have their been studies that prove that weed is good for you prolongs life? because I know alcohol in moderation has a positive effect and prolongs life......
  9. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    uh.....how the hell are hash and pot essentually the same? thats like saying cocain and crack as essentually the same....and your comment on phsycologists was just bloody fucking ignorant....do you think before you speak?
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I dont know about the prolongs life part, since alchol kills 100's of thousands of people every year

    and there has been medical uses proven for pot
  11. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    I swear....sometimes people can be so fucking stupid
  12. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    why dont you go look up one of the hundreds of thousands of studies that prove that alcohol use in moderation is very healthy and prolongs life.

    "medical uses"

    yeah, you get high soo you dont notice the pain.....give me codien over pot any day of the week
  13. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Yeah I know:rolleyes:
  14. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    argue with me jackass, prove im stupid, dont just make remarks without basis (your quite good at that arent you)
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    you have not stated anything to argue on

    You are just discrediting the IOM study I posted a link to and 100's of professional scientists that say what I have posted,

    all you do is bring in the government "misinformation" and lies, and then say alcohol is good for you:rolleyes: :bs:

    Ever hear of DDT's or Alcohol poisoning?

    I have never heard of weed poisoning
  16. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Wrong. Both are taken from their pure form (leaves and bulb secretions) and altered, syntheticly, by humans. Can you pick a gram of coke to snort?
  17. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    You are definately not very bright. You continue to prove your ignorance basing none of your opinions in fact.
  18. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    If you didnt notice i didnt take a position on either side,Im just telling you the facts. Trust me on this one, ive smoked and seen more weed in the 8 years ive been smoking it then youll see in 3 of your lifetimes.

    fine...you want studies? here is a nice little page.....but maybe these schools arent prestegious enough for you....that rinky dink harvard....


    next idiotic assumption please.....
  19. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    what a fucking cop-out, thats bullshit and you know it, just because its "altered" doesnt mean its not natural. true,sometimes things are added, but if you wanted to you could have completely then without any additives and completely natural
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