What happened to my car

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by buick_rdmaster, Jun 24, 2006.

  1. buick_rdmaster

    buick_rdmaster Full Member

    ok i was pulling into krogers parking lot just jammin my music on like 15 which is loud ( my subs hit hard) and when i slowed down my car died and i was like what the flip???????? but neways i had to turn it off and start it again......i was just wondering why my car died because it seems like when it hit that low bass note ( i was jamming young jeezy) my car went off im just curious what could this be ???????

    i have a 95 buick roadmaster with

    2 12" infinity DVC

    1 kenwood KAC 9102D

    18 tweeters
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Could be your alternator and/or battery.

    Something similar happened to a friend of mine...But he had two 15 L7s and about 2000 rms pushing...He tested the subs after installing them and his car died during the first bass note cuz the voltage dropped to around 7 volts lol...He soon fixed that though...

    so either have your alternator checked/check voltage drop during idle/or go ahead and get a HO alt lol
  3. weird22person

    weird22person Full Member

    Your computer probably tripped because of low voltage. A new alternator would probably fix it.
  4. buick_rdmaster

    buick_rdmaster Full Member

    i now nothing about purchasing a alternator can someone point me in the right direction?
  5. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    First check for voltage drop...

    Then upgrade the big three as in:
    -Wire from alt. to battery(make sure to fuse it)
    -Wire from battery to chassis
    -Wire from engine block to chassis

    After doing this, Then see what happens and if you really need a new alt.

    But first get your alt tested.
  6. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    If your system is pulling a lot of voltage. it could have starved your fuel pump. most fuel pumps wont work with under 10 volts. Just something to think about.
  7. buick_rdmaster

    buick_rdmaster Full Member

    instead of the big 3 can i just go straight for a alternator?i have the money thats not an isue...how do i pick an alternator????????????????
  8. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    NO!!!! You won't get the full output of your electrical system without upgrading the big three.

    Many others here will agree....Do the big three first...you'll be very surprised.

    A new alternator without the big three? If you wanna go this route why don't you just buy a 100 farad cap.

    Also use no less than 4 gauge for the big three.
  9. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    100 Farad cap!!!!! LOL!!!!! I would plug it into the wall first to make sure it is charged !!!!!!!!!!!! Followed by setting it in a bowl of jello brand pudding placed in your trunk, dont worry about hooking up the wires to it, osmosis will alow the current to find its way to the amp on its own, but dont forget the jello brand pudding, chocolate works the best

    The big three should be done on ANY vehicle that is running a amplifier, besides making life easier on the amp, it alows the alternator to give all that it can to the battery. 4 Ga. is plenty big enough for a stoclk electrical system. 8Ga. will work in a pinch also.........
  10. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    I have always used tapioca pudding in the past with no negative affects...Guess I'll try chocolate next time. haha
  11. weird22person

    weird22person Full Member

    The big 3 should be the first thing you do. If not it is like using a garden hose for a fire truck. Guess what?... Only a little bit comes out. You dont get a different firetruck you get a bigger hose. (Dont I sound smart now?:cool:)

    A HO alternator is useless if you dont do the big 3.
  12. buick_rdmaster

    buick_rdmaster Full Member

    ok so ive done the big three today and im very surprised my lights stopped dimming and my subs are hitting harder idk y tho but they are!!!!!!!!!!!! ok now time to purchase a HO alternator where do i go anyone have any links?????or advice ?????????? i know nothing about purchasing a alternator
  13. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Well first check your voltage and how low it drops.

    Check the voltage with the ac/heat on, head lights on, stereo up.

    If your lights stop dimming than you really don't need a HO alt...But go ahead and get one if you got the cash.

    So are you now a believer in the big three?
  14. buick_rdmaster

    buick_rdmaster Full Member

    i am now a true believer!!!!!!!!!! i had my lights on (neon and headlights) ac full blast and system on 22 and the lights didnt dim not once