amp my speakers?

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Speakers' started by jcrew3002, Jun 21, 2006.

  1. jcrew3002

    jcrew3002 Full Member

    i have a stock HU powering 2 front stock speakers and 2 rear aftermarket 275watt speakers, my question is: would i get a better performance if i amped all the speakers? i know the HU cant provide enough juice i plan to upgrade it soon but i dont think even an after market HU would put out enough power to make the speakers work at thier best. the rear speakers are real powerful but they dont seem to be working at their best. i have no plans to replace the front speakers unless they blow out because of an amp. so should i amp them.
  2. weird22person

    weird22person Full Member

    Get the new HU first. Most aftermarket HUs have a smaller amp built in. You should replace the front speakers too. After you have done both you can think about a seperate amp. Make sure it is a 2 or 4 channel. Mono amps are made to power subs. More power is useless if not all of your speakers use it. It can also damage your amp. Over powering speakers can end up sending signals back to the amp which can damage the amp. Frying a $400 amp costs more than the $100 it could have costed you to replace the front speakers in the first place.

    Your system is only as good as the worst part.
  3. jcrew3002

    jcrew3002 Full Member

    true, i should upgrade the front speakers, but seeing as a aftermarket HU has a small built in amp, would it be worth it to hook up an amp to the speakers? how many watts do you think the stock HU is pushing to the speakers? how many watts do the typical speaker need?
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2006
  4. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Most aftermarket HU's push 18-25 watts rms.

    Power for speakers depends...Components usually can handle more than coax's can. 30-40 watts rms per channel will do fine.

    True 275 watt speakers are costly...Don't look for max ratings...rule of thumb for REAL max rating is only two times the rms.

    First get an aftermarket HU and see if you want more power.

    Also...speakers always sound better when connected to a separate's just cleaner power and less distortion...when installed and set correctly.