Install tweaters in a stock system?

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Speakers' started by jcrew3002, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. sysengr1

    sysengr1 Full Member

    I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination, but from everything I've heard, adding a separates set to the back of a car is a huge no-no. If anything, go with a quality coaxial in the bottom doors (or place the tweets like you said REAL close to the mids,out of driver/passenger linesight) and supply very little juice to it. Some folks say to NEVER put (mid/high) speakers in the back seat of a car. It's a frontstage killer. Like I said, I'm no expert, SVO Ranger sounds like he is. Any input on this?
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2006
  2. jcrew3002

    jcrew3002 Full Member

    the reason im not jumping at the chance to replace the front speakers is becasue they sound great, and someone told me even though other speakers may cost more and be aftermarket speakers that doesnt garruntee great sound, let your ears be your guide. i may replace them just to hear if there is a great sound improvement but if not ill put the stock speakers back in, as for the tweeters in th back doors, that plan went out the window. im searching for some great speakers with removable tweeters, 5 1/4, any suggestions?