Waxin da olskool, keep or not?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by kmagyar, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. kmagyar

    kmagyar Full Member

    Here it is. I had to dig deep for the boxes that all this stuff was packed in. Its been sitting since my mini truck days. I am debating on weather or not I should keep it all or sell it all. Man, I found all the receipts too. LMK what you guys think.
  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    you bought it, so why not use it?

    Its not MY favorte brand of equipment, BUt, installed properly, that stuff WILL make one nice sound system.

    I worked for a Rcockford dealer shortly after Rockford got big, and they do make some nice equipment, the stuff you have is good, but not great in my opinion.

    I personally have an old "original" punch 45 that still works great! And used too have a power 650 and power 1000 that I sold years ago, (and regret selling)

    I say stick with the old school and have fun, the only change I would consider is different speakers if the ones ou have dont sound good too YOU.........the amps will perform good. the headunit is ok, just the speakers are what I never really liked from RF. Thats just my opinin though
  3. sinistercory

    sinistercory Full Member

    In complete agreement. RF speakers have never been good, especially the subs. The amps are probably the last ones they made that are good, so selling those would be a step backwards since it's going to take 4 times what you get for them to get something of equal performance.
    I had a nice chrome plated 650 once, blew up on me.
  4. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    What model are those punch subs?? Would you be willing to sell 2 of em??

    I just like old school equipment...keep it real

    Also what are the specs on those amps?
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2006
  5. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    You lucky bastard:)

    Good old rf amps and crossovers, brand new (do not get rid of those, either keep em boxed up or use 'em..)

    Good old sony HU and x-over (yes, once upon a time sony made good stuff)

    good old rf subs.. Not great.. but wonderful compared to the junk they sell now.

    What a nice stash. I'm jealous.. Like I said.. keep that stuff pristine, or use it, but do NOT sell it..
  6. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    I could have so much fun with that stuff

    Whats it going in?
  7. kmagyar

    kmagyar Full Member

    It was going to go into a 99 Monte. But after 4 years of me not getting to it. I almost sure that I am going to sell it. I have an 05 Dodge Magnum and it would have been pretty sweet to sport such a "nostalgic" system because I always had a thing for RF (when they did not suck).

  8. confusedmagnum

    confusedmagnum Full Member

    keep the x overs, tweeters and the amp.. those you can use, and will not regret keeping. as far as the rest, i say go with something newer. no use in storing something you will never use again. besides you said it yourself.. you want something kick ass.. think about it.. you would keep an old skoo camaro(amp,tweets, xover) because of its beauty and performance, but you wouldnt keep an old skoo "pinto" (deck, and subs) not unless youre really an enthusiast.
    no disrespect to whomever im contradicting. just wanna put out another side to this predicament. just like how i would like users to help me out. thanks.