JL amps vs. McIntosh

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Graft, Jun 7, 2006.

  1. Graft

    Graft Full Member

    Hey all:

    I am looking at amps and have seen a lot of posts on JL... seems to the THE choice amp. There sure are alot of JL products for sale on e-bay. Since I am relatively new to the "current" car audio scene (actually was into it some 20 years ago) I am naturally not familiar with this product. I was seriously looking at the McIntosh car amps since I also own some of their home audio gear. How does to JL hold up to the McIntosh? The specs look real nice, but I am wondering about the quality of the components. Has anyone done an AB comparison? The JL's are more reasonably priced and I suspect may not use as good of components as the Mac (unless there built overseas). Any comments? If the JL isn't in the same league what else should I be looking at. Looking to do a very-high end sound system in an older Benz with Focal and Morel speakers. I will also be using an older pre-out only Alpine HU (CDA-7977).
  2. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    If you're looking for macintosh... then buy macintosh.

    If super high quality is what you're looking for, you already know where to get it. The market is so hot right now for spl, that it's how most products are geared. There are less expensive alternatives out there, but if you want macintosh quality, then don't compromise.
  3. Graft

    Graft Full Member

    Thanks Hautewheeler:

    Well like they say... you get what you pay for and there's no free lunch. I guess I was looking for a less expensive alternative for the same quality and it appears there isn't any.

    I'll just stick with the Mac since there wasnt an overwhelming reply to my post with alternative suggestions!
  4. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    You sound like you know what you want, thats good!

    If its muscical, dynamic, powerful amps you are looking for, might I suggest an older Orion xtr series amp, They are some THE MOST impressive amps I have had the pleasure of working with.
  5. Graft

    Graft Full Member

    Orion amps

    Thanks Viking. I will do just that. I am looking for used Macs anyway so a used Orion XTR would not be out of the question. From what I'm realizing seems so many amp mfgs. got it right a few years ago and have abandoned clean sound for more SPL's! But then again if that's what the customers are demanding I guess that's what they are going to build and ultimately sell. Aren't there any audiophile tweak-heads left anymore? Frustrating:confused:
  6. Graft

    Graft Full Member

    Checked out the Orion stuff...

    Just checked out the Orion XTR series. Now we're talkin'. That looks like some seriously clean power. Very Nice!!! I think I have a contender for the McIntosh. Looks like it's in the same league. The military spec and REAL RMS rating is what I'm looking for. IMO, the military spec ensures that it stays that way compared to less quality components provided it's not abused or given wierd impedences to handle. I know there is a lot of gear that sounds good out of the box, only to deteriorate considerably... is some cases very quickly. It will be a matter of getting the right deal at the right time regarding which company I will go with... maybe both! I'm not in a huge hurry but would like to put something together within a few months...

    Thanks again!

  7. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    Hey, greg.. don't get me wrong.

    There are a lot of companies out there who are still trying hard to satisfy the needs of the discriminating consumer. Just not as many as there used to be. Quality has also, in most cases been traded for mass production. Not just audio equipment, but most everything (I'm sure you've noticed). There are some companies out there trying to make a name for themselves, too. It is still possible to get good audio equipment for reasonable prices (but you have to know what you're looking for, and you have to do your homework), and keep in mind that some companies aren't exactly truthful when filling in the blanks on their spec sheets.

    I was merely stating that if you want mac amps, then buy them.. it's worth getting what you want the first time, and not having to guess about how long til replacement time. The fact that you are interested in mac means to me that you are serious about good sound quality, so that's why I suggest sticking to your guns. I know I hate having the feeling of "should've saved for another couple weeks and got the good one" while I'm looking at my stuff smoking. And viking is 100% correct.. the older xtr series are some of the best designed and built amps ever produced. Thanks Viking!
  8. ramos

    ramos Full Member

    Might also want to check out zapco, brax, and helix. High quality sq oriented amplifiers along the same priceline as mac's :)
  9. Graft

    Graft Full Member

    Orion amps


    Hey not to worry, I really appreciate your input and comments. This forum is awesome! I hear what you're saying. I was just looking for other options and for someone to point me in the right direction. All I really know is the McIntosh stuff, since like I said I have some of their home audio pieces. All of those beautiful chrome knobs, heavy power supplies and glass fronts reek of quaility. Nothing seemed close to me at the time I started looking for car audio. Looked and older Nacs... very nice. Looked at Sony ES equally as nice, Older ADS... great... but when compared to McIntosh... well there just isnt any comparison IMO. Then Viking suggested Oriion XRT which finaly appears to be in the same league. I'll probably end up the the Mac just because it's a comfort zone and I know the company so well. But then again if a sweet Orion shows up for a sweet price I'll be all over it!!! So now I have two choices which is a good thing. I have some time to keep doing my homework... who knows what'll pop up?

    I really feel what youre saying about buying something and regreting your purchase later. Been there done that!! Thats why I only go for the best quaiity possible within my budget no matter what I buy. I work too hard to get screwed. I'm not wealthy but appreciate well made things. It's worth it in the end. I get the feeling I wouldnt have any regrets with the Orion should I choose that route. Plus the used ones seem like a good value for the money. Although I appreciate high quality I also appreciate a good value. I also have Parasound equipment at home and it terms of sound quality it's every bit as good as the Macs...only they cut corners on the heavy faceplates and cabinet construction, they don't skimp on the components and source the build to the far east, hence their value for the money. Plus the Macs are just plain sexy and made in the USA... just like Harley which they have been compared to in terms of appeal. I'm rambling... sorry. I'm just a guy who likes his stuff!!!
  10. Graft

    Graft Full Member

    Ah... more cool stuff to check out. I knew there must me more! Thanks Ramos. Hopefully, It doesnt get too confusing. Actually I've heard of Zapco.. it just didnt have the name recognition to me (since Ive been out of the looop) so I never looked too deep but I will definately do my homework and check them out. I will report my findings in the future for those who care! Thanks again.:)
  11. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    One of the names you mentioned Graft was a/d/s, In my opinion STAY AWAY FROM THE AMPS!!!!!! the speakers years ago sounded great, the 320i's were awesome, but the amps always did, well, for lack of a better term, suck. They had no dynamic headroom, ran excessively hot, and were notorious for engine noise. I always called them a ignition system amplifier!!!! LOL!

    I am like you Graft, been out of the industry for about 10 or 12 years. But was a "world class" installer at one time. Not tryin to toot my horn, just saying that I know where you are coming from.............

    The reason i reccommend the xtr amps is simple, they used a non current limited power supply, balanced line inputs, an output section that was OVERKILL from hell. And they sounded Better than the hcca and sx seies in a/b comparisons. Test speakers were polk audio, dont remember the model number of the speaks though. They had a definitive sound on accurate recordings, a flawless reproduction that outperformed the best of the best. and the hcca and sx series were pretty much the reference standerd in the mobile enviorment in my opinion.

    Not tryin to sell you on them, just sayin that you wont go wrong with them if you go the xtr route
  12. Graft

    Graft Full Member

    Thanks Viking, for the head-up on a/d/s. I was never really seriously considering them. I only mentioned the name 'cause I remember they had a good reputation in home audio at one time. Truth be told they were never in the high-end category and were considered a good mid-fi buy. Probably should not have lumped them in with Macs to begin with.

    I will definately give the XTR's a serious look. They balanced inputs are a nice touch and typically something you would find in high-end home audio. Would you put them in the same catergory as McIntosh? I realize everyone has their favorites. Since you know where I'm coming and were a top notch installer I would imagine the Mac had to come to your attention at some point, if so, what do you think between the two. I get the feeling you would probably buy XTR's over anything else because of your experience with them.
  13. sinistercory

    sinistercory Full Member

    It seems that this company is always overlooked. ARC Audio. Robert Zeff, the man behind Zapco now builds amps for ARC. The technology inside these amps is years ahead of the competition. One amplifier (the 2075SE) has a damping factor of >2500, and that is at it's worst.
    I haven't had the pleasure of using an SE line ARC yet, but have used the KAR series and FD's and am completely impressed. These are the entry level models and are unbelievably clean and dynamic. This company does nothing for SPL, all quality. Just thought I might mention another high end to consider.
  14. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    Ok guys im new to the website but ive been in car stereo for about 20 years now. Lucio Proni and Manville Smith take a lot of pride in thier designs, you can be sure that when you put a JL Audio amp in your car it will perform perfectly all the time. But ive been working with a lot of Boston Acoustic amps lately. They are of extremely high quality and sound awesome, thier quality control is top notch. Pull a McIntosh apart and look at the power supplies, good but nothing the other companies are not doing. You can buy 2 JL or 2 Boston amps for the price of one McIntosh amp. When you listen to them in the car when your driving down the road do you really think you are going to hear the diffferance. Not with these amps, they are all top quality. I would say save your money and buy the cheaper JL or Boston or even the older Orion like the other guy said. Just stay away form the new Orion stuff, its pretty crappy since the company changed hands.